
GRE Score Disaster Averted By Helpful, Competent Employee

GRE Score Disaster Averted By Helpful, Competent Employee

Some institutions aren’t part of the government, but are still monopolies or so ubiquitous that they can’t be avoided. The Educational Testing Service, which administers the GRE, TOEFL, and other scary and commonly accepted exams worldwide, is one such company. Reader Katstermonster recently had an infuriating encounter with ETS…which had a happy ending when she finally located a customer service representative willing to go above and beyond to actually solve a customer’s problem. [More]

Kaplan GRE Test Prep Software Fails Windows Vista Exam

Kaplan GRE Test Prep Software Fails Windows Vista Exam

If I were still preparing to take the GRE, I would start by purchasing study guides from a company that seems to have a grasp of basic logic. That company would not be Kaplan. See, Kaplan assumes that none of their customers are using Windows Vista. You know, the latest commercial release of the world’s dominant home computer operating system. At least, that would explain why their practice test software doesn’t work on computers running Vista, and their tech support staff don’t seem terribly concerned.