We’ve had almost four years to get used to the idea, and now it’s happening: Goodyear is retiring the last blimp in its fleet in favor of its cousin, the zeppelin. But don’t worry, it’ll still call those dirigibles “blimps” to keep things blimple. Ahem, simple. [More]
goodyear blimp

“Goodyear Zeppelin” Doesn’t Have The Same Ring To It As “Goodyear Blimp,” But So It Goes
If you’re the kind of person who just can’t help but correct someone, anyone, who’s had the misfortune to utter something slightly factually inaccurate, let this serve as a warning: Although Goodyear is replacing its fleet of three blimps with zeppelins, the company is still going to call the beloved airships blimps. Because it’s not about technicalities here, people, it’s about blimp love. [More]