
Pay For This, Not That! When Buying Tech

Pay For This, Not That! When Buying Tech

Four rules of thumb to help you decide which features are worth paying for when buying your next gadget or gizmo, courtesy of the New York Times: [More]

Want Safe Skies? Strap This Remote-Controlled Stun Device To Yourself!

Want Safe Skies? Strap This Remote-Controlled Stun Device To Yourself!

Make of this what you will, as the story comes from the Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s church-owned Washington Times and may be more fiction than fact, but “a senior government official with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has expressed great interest in a so-called safety bracelet that would serve as a stun device, similar to that of a police Taser.” Yes, the EMD Safety Bracelet from Lamperd Less Lethal is designed to make flying a fun experience once again. Just check out everything it can do:

  • Take the place of an airline boarding pass.
  • Contain personal information about the traveler.
  • Be able to monitor the whereabouts of each passenger and his/her luggage.
  • Shock the wearer on command, completely immobilizing him/her for several minutes.
Breaking News: There Are Sweatshops In China!

Breaking News: There Are Sweatshops In China!

Economists and politicians rant about China in terms of jobs lost, currency valuation, and trade gaps. But the New York Times reports that a new metric has been discovered: every year, Chinese workers manufacturing our toys, garments and electronic junk in the Peal River Delta collectively break 40,000 fingers.

Behold! The World of Tomorrow!

Behold! The World of Tomorrow!

LCD Money, perfect for reprogramming into larger denominations! The spiritual successor to the hoverboards from Back to the Future 2! DVD Players that fold like origami! This list of futuristic gizmos certainly brings out the uncynical consumer in us for a change.