
Readers' Favorite 3rd Party Online Wishlists

Readers' Favorite 3rd Party Online Wishlists

A number of readers chimed in on the Best Buy-branded wishlist browser add-on post with the alternatives they prefer instead. They were: 1) Amazon’s Universal Wishlist, 2), 3), 4) Got any others? As far as what most Consumerist’s thought of the Best Buy add-on, commenter dragonfire81 probably captured it best…

Giftag: Best Buy's Retailer-Neutral Gift Registry Browser Add-On

Giftag: Best Buy's Retailer-Neutral Gift Registry Browser Add-On

Best Buy launched a new “retailer neutral” gift registry browser add-on Monday called Giftag. The idea is that you can visit any online retailer and click an icon to put it in your gift registry, as well as highlight specific parts of the page for potential gift-givers. In the open-source program, you can choose whether you want to make your gifts public, and shareable via social network sites and the like, or private. However, whether you select private or public, Best Buy will be able to see every purchase you make, whether you buy from them or their competition. Mmm, juicy buckets of data.