G. wanted to buy his daughters a six-month subscription to Hulu Plus to watch some shows, but didn’t want to give Hulu the ability to keep billing his credit card into perpetuity. Hulu offers prepaid gift subscriptions, though, so he could simply purchase a code, and the streaming-video party would stop when the subscription ran out. Right? Not so fast. [More]
gift subscriptions

Updated Post: Netflix's Post-Price Hike Messages For Gift Subscription Customers Are Confusing
Amanda and her husband found the news that Netflix was un-bundling DVD and streaming video packages and raising prices disappointing, as did most other customers. They figured that they didn’t have to worry about canceling or changing their subscription until early 2012, though, because they had received a one-year subscription as a gift. Twelve prepaid months is twelve prepaid months, right? Nope. From Netflix’s point of view, the gift giver didn’t pay for a fixed number of months for the couple–he prepaid a certain amount of money, and the length of their subscription was readjusted once the price went up. Amanda got some clarification from Netflix on this issue. Her prepaid subscription is being left just as it is. [More]