Jason is a longtime member of Electronics Arts’ Gun Club, a rewards program that gives special perks and previews to fans of EA games. A few months ago, he had to change his Xbox Live gamertag because of a complaint about it. We won’t print the tag, but it wasn’t anything offensive or vulgar, and he got to keep the same tag by adding “The” to the beginning of it. Simple enough. The problem is that changing your gamertag severs the tie between your Live account and your Gun Club account forever. Oddly, no one at EA knows how to deal with this situation. [More]

Xbox Live No Longer Bans Gay People From Describing Themselves
By Laura Northrup 3.5.10
One of Xbox Live’s more irksome policies has been that if your gamertag happens to mention that you are gay or lesbian, that’s not permitted. (Or if you use your real name, which happens to contain the letters G-A-Y in that order.) But Microsoft has changed their code of conduct, and this policy is no more. [More]

Why Can't Microsoft Help Get This Guy's Stolen Xbox Live Account Back?
By cwalters 9.25.09
Erik has been patiently trying to get his stolen Xbox Live account back for a month and a half now, but all Microsoft has done to help is lie and fail to follow up on phone calls or emails. Oh, and there was that one point where they sent “how to get your account back” instructions to the person who had stolen the account, which sort of defeated the point.