Because there’s nothing that old people love more than creepy, robotic Teddy bears, the folks at Fujitsu have created a companion for the elderly in the form of a bear that reacts to the emotions of the person in the room. [More]

Are You Still Stuck In Vista Upgrade Hell?
If you bought a laptop at the end of last year, you probably qualified for a free Vista upgrade. We did and although it took 6 weeks to get the disc in the mail from our laptop manufacturer, we didn’t run into too many hassles. No so for a lot of people, according to PC World:
“I was told it would be an easy process,” says William Bond, of Tampa, Florida. But, he says, the process has been anything but simple. Bond purchased a Hewlett-Packard Pavilion desktop in November at Circuit City and is still waiting for his Vista upgrade disc from ModusLink, the company handling the program for HP.
Sony Recalls Fujitsu, Gateway, Toshiba and Sony Laptop Batteries
Monday, Sony voluntarily recalled batteries for all the notebooks listed in the headline, due to risk of fire. If you own one of these laptops, check out this page to see if the recall affects you.
Sony Recalls Gateway, Sony, Toshiba, Fujitsu Batteries
Monday, Sony launched a voluntary recall of laptop batteries for the manufacturer’s listed in the headline of this post. If you own a notepad made by one of these people, check this chart to see if you computer is affected.