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Barber Shaves Colonel Sanders’ Face Into Customer’s Hair, Gets More Free KFC Than He Could Ever Eat

Barber Shaves Colonel Sanders’ Face Into Customer’s Hair, Gets More Free KFC Than He Could Ever Eat

When an Illinois barber went along with a customer’s request to shave and paint a likeness of Colonel Sanders into his hair, he probably didn’t know that it would result in him receiving the lifetime “gift” of free KFC. [More]

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile Crashes Wedding

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile Crashes Wedding

Rolling advertisement that it is, the driver of an Oscar Mayer Wienermoble couldn’t resist stopping by an upstate New York wedding this past weekend, delighting the wedding party and guests and providing a delightful photo opportunity. [More]

Hyundai Replaces Car Destroyed In BMW Parking Lot Attack

Hyundai Replaces Car Destroyed In BMW Parking Lot Attack

About a week ago, a woman tried to park her BMW X5 in a gym parking lot in Thornhill, Ontario. For some mysterious reason, she instead drove over two other cars and sat on top of them for a few seconds, like a big game cat savoring her kill. Then she drove off.