
Citibank’s Statement on the ATM Crisis

Citibank’s Statement on the ATM Crisis

Citigroup spokesperson Elizabeth Fogarty released the following statement to us regarding the ATM crisis:

3rd Party Phishing Scam

3rd Party Phishing Scam

B.L. Ochman tips us off to a type of Paypal phishing scam to watch out for. She received a Pay Pal receipt lookalike for a watch from a company called Omegamove. The amount was for $395.85 and was to be shipped to one James Dickinson. Presumably, the scammers think you’ll see that, say, omg, I didn’t order a $400 watch and follow the link to dispute the order. After which, you enter in your Paypal info and they steal it. Paypal has confirmed the email to be a phish and is investigating.

Massive Citibank Alert: UPDATE

Massive Citibank Alert: UPDATE

EXCLUSIVE: More dirt on the Citibank ATM failures. What happened after we posed as a concerned customer, as well as secret codes for hassling the Citibank public affairs department after the jump…

Massive Citibank Fraud Alert: UPDATE

Massive Citibank Fraud Alert: UPDATE

Citibank may bee trying to keep this huge scandal so under wraps that they haven’t even disclosed it internally, leaving Citibank workers just as clueless as to why many customers can’t access their accounts in Canada, the UK and Russia. Is there a systemic security breach?

Massive Citibank Fraud Alert

Boing Boing posted a link yesterday to a first-hand account of a massive Citibank fraud crisis which has frozen countless people out of their accounts. No real details on what has actually occurred at Citibank have been given, but a lot of people have been impacted with their Citibank ATM and Credit Cards alike.

Wal-Mart Executive Funds $500,000 Booze-Fueled Rampage

Wal-Mart Executive Funds $500,000 Booze-Fueled Rampage

It turns out that our loathed, stinky arch-nemesis Wal-Mart doesn’t merely steal the souls of the self-respecting working Joe (not to mention the serenity of America’s picturesque highway suburbs). It also steals from itself.

Consumers Speak: Bank of America’s Missing Envelope

ve been rejected and subsequently sent to another account. My money, as of this writing, is still being held and I am waiting for it to be released to me.