
Search and Destroy Hidden Phone Charges

Search and Destroy Hidden Phone Charges

Hidden, fraudulent, charges on your phone bill could end up costing you big over time. Inside, we’ve got a guide to spotting and rectifying this fee-skimming.

Nothing Can Save You From Hotels Stealing Your Credit Cards

A call with Washington Mutual confirms that besides vigilance, there’s nothing you can do to stop hotels from stealing your credit card information.

Hotel Workers Arrested For Stealing Guest Credit Cards

Hotel Workers Arrested For Stealing Guest Credit Cards

10 owners, managers and employees of 7 Joliet area hotels were arrested last night for selling guest credit card numbers. A scam, authorities say, that could be going on across the nation.

HOWTO: Avoid ID Theft

HOWTO: Avoid ID Theft

According a Gallup poll 19% of consumers report having their financial information stolen including a bank or credit card number.

Ask The Consumerist: Ebay Laptop, Without The Fraud?

Ask The Consumerist: Ebay Laptop, Without The Fraud?

“Whatever IT is, you can get IT on Ebay,” goes the promise. Unfortunately for reader Wil, “it” has meant, “almost being scammed.”

Long-Distance RFID Snagging Possible, Already Done

Long-Distance RFID Snagging Possible, Already Done

After posting about the danger posed by magic wand credit cards, some readers pooh-poohed the notion that someone could build a device capable of reading RFID from a distance.

Foil RFID Thieves. Literally.

The tin-foil hat contingent may have finally hit on something right.

No-Swipe Credit Card No Problem For Thieves

No-Swipe Credit Card No Problem For Thieves

Radio-frequency enabled credit cards allow consumers to complete transactions with a flick of the wrist, but new research shows that it’s not just consumers and merchants who will find the new system easier.

Guide To ID Theft Prevention

Guide To ID Theft Prevention

Sometimes ID theft seems like the weather. Everyone talks about it, but what can you do about it? This online guide covers on the dangers, how thieves get your info, and how to protect yourself

Mortgage Fraud Festered Under Housing Bubble, Feds Investigate

Mortgage Fraud Festered Under Housing Bubble, Feds Investigate

In ’05, a small company bought up run-down duplexes in northeast Indiana at $50,000 a pop. Less than a month later, they were selling them for $120,000 to church secretaries, truckers, retirees and factory workers.

Life Takes Copyediting

Life Takes Copyediting

This ad is an ad for this ad.

Car Dealership Bilks Old Man and Steals $2000 With His ATM Card

You might think that going after car dealers for shady dealings is just too obvious and easy for the Consumerist. So it’s not just any car dealer story that rises to the top of our hallowed frontpage.

Cali Dollar Trees Source of ATM Hacks

Cali Dollar Trees Source of ATM Hacks

Shopping at the Dollar Tree could end up costing you a lot. Hundreds of California patrons of the discount store report having money jacked from their debit accounts, reports KCRA. Most likely, this was through the use of cloned ATM cards.

Don’t Buy From an Ebay Scam Bot

Don’t Buy From an Ebay Scam Bot

Savvy Ebay shoppers look at a seller’s satisfaction rating, but it takes more than a glance.

Baby Boomers a Bust vs. Investment Fraud

Baby Boomers a Bust vs. Investment Fraud

The LA Times, the Seven-up to our morning NYT Seagram’s, details the rise of investment fraud against baby boomers. The phenom is slightly ironic because the age segment is supposed to boast a higher financial acumen than previous generations. Some of the pernicious tactics con men use to lure victims into their scams include:

Portrait of an Idio… Er, Identity Thief

Portrait of an Idio… Er, Identity Thief

Meet Shiva Sharma. Husband, father, identity thief, inmate of the Mohawk Correctional Facility in Rome, New York. Shiva has no idea how much money he’s stolen from other people, but by the time of his third arrest for identity theft, he’d been nailed in connection with over $150,000 in credit card fraud transaction.

PIN Block Phish, Basted

Oh, this is just classic. Phishers are now trying to capitalize on the PIN block crisis.

Killer Grannies Played Insurance Game To The Death

Killer Grannies Played Insurance Game To The Death

The schlock thickens in the case of a pair of twisted sisters-in-crime who befriended homeless men, took out insurance policies on them naming themselves as beneficiaries, and then ran the men over with cars for the insurance money.