We’re no strangers to Airbnb rental horror stories, but we’re still surprised at how intricate and complicated some of these rental disputes can be. Case in point: the landlord of a San Francisco apartment says the neighbor she’s been feuding with rented her unit by using a fake name, lived there with his mom and a friend, and then refused to move out after the original Airbnb stay was over. [More]

Homeowner Claims Neighbor Used A False Identity To Rent Apartment On Airbnb, Then Refused To Move Out

Man Sets House On Fire, Dies In It, After Losing Home To Homeowners' Association
Feuds between homeowners and homeowners’ associations can get pretty intense, as BoingBoing pointed out twice last week. One feud in Ogden, NC, was so bad that the man’s house was sold by the court to pay for dues and fines levied by the association. The house was sold earlier this summer, reports the Star-News, and last month the man doused everything in gas and set the place on fire. [More]