federal prison

Fellow Prisoners Wanted Madoff To Teach Investment Classes

Fellow Prisoners Wanted Madoff To Teach Investment Classes

If you had unparalleled access to one of the biggest names in investing, wouldn’t you ask that person for some advice? That’s the logic that some prisoners at the federal prison in Butner, N.C. are using. Their financially savvy neighbor is Bernie Madoff, mastermind of the biggest Ponzi scheme in history. Yes, he knows something about investing. [More]

Tell Your Great-Grandchildren To Protect Their Money In 2139

Tell Your Great-Grandchildren To Protect Their Money In 2139

When Bernie Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in prison, they weren’t kidding around. Here’s a screencap of his profile in the U.S. federal prison system database. He’s in the system as scheduled for release in 2139.