Facebook reactions

A real live Facebook screenshot, taken in the wild this morning.

Facebook Reactions Go Live, Now A Post Can Make You Officially “Sad” Or “Angry”

Facebook has become the place where billions of us post all the news from our lives. And while a graduation, a new house, a promotion, a new baby, or a wedding are perfectly “like”-able occasions, that option has never felt right for the sad news, the losses, or the disagreeable political posts we all encounter in our feeds. And so, voila: Facebook is giving all users alternate reactions. [More]

Facebook Reveals New Set Of 6 Emoji “Reactions” To Go Along With The “Like” Button

Facebook Reveals New Set Of 6 Emoji “Reactions” To Go Along With The “Like” Button

At long last, Facebook has removed the veil from its highly anticipated “Dislike” button — only it’s not quite that simple. The social network revealed a set of six emojis to go along with the traditional thumbs-up: a heart for “love,” then emoticons for “Haha,” “Yay,” “Wow,” “Sad” and “Angry.” [More]