
Rising Food, Gas Prices, Force Stormtroopers To Carpool

Rising Food, Gas Prices, Force Stormtroopers To Carpool

Paxton Holley submitted the above Storm-Troopers-go-shopping awesomeness to The Consumerist Flickr pool. They also bought Colt 45, and Amstel Light.

Consumer Price Index Shows That Consumers Like Eating Out, Gasoline

Consumer Price Index Shows That Consumers Like Eating Out, Gasoline

The New York Times made a pretty cool graph out of the Consumer Price Index, which tracks changes in prices for many consumer goods over the past year. Turns out, gas prices went up.


Craiglist’s for-sale listings hit 15 million in March, almost double a year ago, as people sell off stuff in an effort to make ends meet. [AP]

Consumer Bankruptcies Up Nearly 50% From A Year Ago

Consumer Bankruptcies Up Nearly 50% From A Year Ago

The number of people filing for bankruptcy continues to increase, as bad mortgages and the rising price of [insert noun here] squeezes every last penny out of debt-laden consumers. The American Bankruptcy Institute says the number of filings was up 47.7% in April from a year ago, and up 7.1% from March ’08.


Quick, spend all those 20% off coupons you’ve been hoarding: Linen’s N Things filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. [NYT]


“People are not willing to modify their lifestyle in order to live on what they earn – that is the real problem.” Larry Winget, author of “You’re Broke Because You Want To Be” on the root cause of the current economic crisis. [AllFinancialMatters]

Home Depot Closing 15 Stores

Home Depot Closing 15 Stores

The Home Depot is closing 15 stores nationwide.

Wal-Mart Selling More Peanut Butter And Spaghetti, People Eating Pet Food Not Far Off?

Wal-Mart Selling More Peanut Butter And Spaghetti, People Eating Pet Food Not Far Off?

Wal-Mart reports a significant uptick in peanut…

American Airlines Is Losing $3.3 Million A Day

American Airlines Is Losing $3.3 Million A Day

Every day, American Airlines gets up in the morning, looks in the mirror, thinks about the $3.3 million dollars it lost yesterday, brushes its teeth and gets ready to lose another $3.3 million. Fortune says the hemorrhaging began in January, and while red ink is no stranger to the airline industry, they’re running out of things to cut.


As predicted, the Feds cut interest rates a quarter of a point to 2%. [NYT]

We're Not In A Recession!

At least by one standard, we’re not in a…

Bush On The Recession: "The Average Person Doesn't Really Care What We Call It"

“I repeatedly submitted proposal to help address the problems. Time after time, Congress chose to block them,” he said.

How Much Did Deregulation Contribute To The Recession (Economic Slowdown, Whatever)

How Much Did Deregulation Contribute To The Recession (Economic Slowdown, Whatever)

Mother's Day Threatened By Bad Economy

Mother's Day Threatened By Bad Economy

(Photo: Listener42)


Delta: Hey where did our $6.4 billion go? [AP]

JetBlue To Charge $20 For Second Checked Bag

JetBlue To Charge $20 For Second Checked Bag

JetBlue announced its first quarter results today and while things aren’t as bleak as they are over at United Airlines, the discount carrier said that it was struggling under the weight of its fuel bill and was going to modify its baggage check policy in order to remain competitive with other airlines.

Mattel Losing Money As Manufacturing Costs Rise

Mattel Losing Money As Manufacturing Costs Rise

Sales of Barbie fell 12 percent in the U.S. as the 49-year- old doll faced competition from Hannah Montana and Ganz’s Webkinz. Mattel, which recalled more than 21 million Chinese-made products in 2007, expects Chinese manufacturing costs to rise further. The yuan has climbed 10 percent against the dollar over the past 12 months, and inflation in China is near an 11-year high.


Oil is now $117 a barrel, a record high. [ABC News]