economy plus

The baggage and Economy Plus subscriptions vary greatly depending on where you plan to travel.

United Airlines Now Offering Annual Subscriptions For Upgrades

Just about everything on an airplane that used to be part of the ticket price is now considered an “upgrade.” Now United Airlines is offering regular customers a chance to buy subscriptions that cover a year’s worth of checked bags and access to less-uncomfortable Economy Plus seats. [More]

Continental Jets To Get United's "Economy Plus" Seats

Continental Jets To Get United's "Economy Plus" Seats

Delta recently announced that they would be adding roomier “Economy Comfort” seats to its international flights. Competing carrier United Airlines already has something similar with its Economy Plus seats, which will be showing up in planes operated by its new merger partner Continental. [More]

United Makes You Pay To Move To Upgrade Area They Would Have Moved You To Anyway

United Makes You Pay To Move To Upgrade Area They Would Have Moved You To Anyway

Joe may have uncovered a deceptive policy at United Airlines that’s screwing over customers. Here’s how it works. If you’ve got an economy ticket and the only seats available are in Economy Plus, but you didn’t spring for the extra Economy Plus fee, you’re asked if you would like to pay the upgrade fee for economy plus seating. If you decline to upgrade, they seat you there anyway. Sounds pretty sketchy to me. Here’s Joe’s story:

US Airways: A Window Seat is an Upgrade?

    “I had a ticket on a United Airlines flight that was the second leg of a trip booked though U.S. Airways, so I couldn’t get a seat assignment until I arrived at the gate. When a gate agent got the podium around 11 p.m., I requested a window seat.