Photoshopping is used in ads and on magazine covers to make models more “beautiful,” which often means “skinnier.” The American Medical Association says the practice needs to get reined in. “Exposure to media-propagated images of unrealistic body images” has been linked to “eating disorders and other child and adolescent health problems,” the group said in a press release. The group wants advertisers to adopt policies that would curtail altering photographs that lead to “models with body types only attainable with the help of photo editing software.” [More]
eating disorders

Does Diet Pepsi's Skinny Can Send The Wrong Message?
PepsiCo has chosen New York Fashion Week to roll out its new “skinny” Diet Pepsi can, along with a campaign that says the container is a “celebration of beautiful, confident women.” That hasn’t gone over very well with advocates for people with eating disorders who called the campaign “thoughtless and irresponsible.” [More]

JC Penney Gets Anorexic
Whilst flipping through the Sunday circulars, reader Thomas B. was surprised to see JC Penney’s new clothing line called, “a.n.a. : A New Approach.”