‚ÄãIt’s a sad day for Dublin Dr Pepper aficionados, unless they happen to have a stockpile of the stuff ready for eBay. The fallout of a legal battle between Dr Pepper Snapple Group and the Dublin Dr Pepper Bottling Company, both based in Texas, means no more neat throwback bottles with Dublin on the label will ever be made again. [More]
dublin dr pepper

Dr. Pepper Sues Dr. Pepper Bottler Over Cane Sugar "Dublin Dr. Pepper"
Last summer, when Dr. Pepper sold a limited-edition version of the beverage that used cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup, we mentioned that some soda fans in Texas are always able to get their hands on Dr. Pepper from the old-school Dublin Dr. Pepper bottling plant that never made the change over to HFCS. But parent company Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Inc. says the Dublin folks have been selling their brew outside its designated area using the name Dublin Dr. Pepper in violation of their agreement. [More]