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Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Explore Canada, Find Primitive Smartphone

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Explore Canada, Find Primitive Smartphone

The Raiders of the Lost Walmart are a brave band of retail archaeologists who comb the continent’s stores to find the most ancient books, electronic devices, video games, and software at inappropriately high prices. I say “the continent” because today’s dispatches come from Raiders stationed in Canada. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Need A Laptop GPS In 2008

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Need A Laptop GPS In 2008

The Raiders of the Lost Walmart are a band of fearless retail archaeologists who comb the world’s retail stores for the most ancient and obsolete gadgets and software. Today’s discoveries do still work, as in you could add them to your compatible computer or PlayStation 2 and use them. The question is, would you want to? [More]