
Clinical Drug Trials, Bought And Paid For

Clinical Drug Trials, Bought And Paid For

What a shock: when a major pharmaceutical company sponsors a study comparing the effectiveness of its product over its competitors, they aren’t paying to be trumped. They’re stacking the deck.

Diseasemongering: Pharmaceuticals Path To Riches

Diseasemongering: Pharmaceuticals Path To Riches

As a hyperactive and gibbering youth, it was once suggested by a teacher that I might benefit from being treated for ADD. Upon hearing this advice, my father — sage and saturnine — said this: “We had kids with ADD back in the 50’s. The way the teacher treated them was by walking to the back of the class, opening the sufferer’s desk, inserting the kid’s cranium into it and them slamming it over and over and over again until the child was subdued. You do that a few times to a ten year old’s noggin, he quickly learns to pay attention, psychological imperatives be damned.”