Last year, after making it through the gauntlet of SOPA and PIPA, we wondered if we’d have to worry about yet another bit of Internet regulation, CISPA, aka the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. As it turns out, despite support in the U.S. House of Representatives, we probably don’t have to be concerned about CISPA going anywhere, as the Senate doesn’t appear to be bothered enough to even consider it. [More]
cyber intelligence sharing and protection act

Senate Doesn’t Really Feel Like Being Bothered With This Whole CISPA Thing; Won’t Consider It

CISPA Passes In The House But Senate Will Likely Knock It Down Due To Privacy Concerns
It’s baaaaaack: Last year we started paying attention to the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, otherwise known as CISPA, for its perceived similarities to the reviled SOPA and PIPA bills. Despite getting killed off last year, CISPA has now been approved by the U.S. House of Representatives by a huge margin. [More]

House Passes CISPA Despite White House's Objections To The Measure
We first heard about CISPA, aka the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, a few weeks ago, and wondered then if we should worry about it being the next SOPA or PIPA. While the legislation is progressing further, and was passed in the House yesterday, the Obama administration is likely to veto it. [More]