The twistable, change-your-life-forever Smart Mop that’s sold via infomercial looks sort of handy, but does it work? Wired tested one out, and says no, it does not work. In fact, it leaves behind liquid instead of sopping it up, falls apart frequently, and scrapes across the floor if you don’t hold it just right. Wired wraps up the review with this very non-infomercial suggestion: “If you’re sick of taking paper towel to floor every time Junior dumps his milk, well, tough, that’s part of being a parent.” [More]

The Dumb Health Scare Gadget
Quick, give Hammacher Schlemmer $70 + shipping so you can bring one of these magic H1N1 wand obliterators with you on Black Friday! The “technology for people who don’t get technology” catalogue explains that the wand’s UV light will kill “99.98%” of H1N1 viruses after you hold it 3/4″ above a surface for at least 5 seconds. That’s certainly convenient. Just carry it with you and use it on doors, boxes, shopping carts, and of course the cashier’s hands before you accept any change. Be sure to bring an adapter for your car, however, because it only lasts about 90 minutes after an 8-hour charge.

WaMu: Please Take All This WaMu Branded Crap Before We Cease To Exist
Reader James says he doesn’t want all this crap that the teller at WaMu forced on him earlier today. The Frisbee sucks, he doesn’t like caramel corn, and his refrigerator isn’t magnetic.

Why Do Americans Insist On Buying Cheap Crap Instead Of High Quality Merchandise?
Over at MSN Money there’s an interesting article about the tyranny of cheap crap that we, as a people, are accustomed to living under. Why do we buy a coat every year instead of one high quality coat that will last many years? Why do we buy crappy kitchen knives that go dull and become dangerous? Do we enjoy shopping so much that we’re content to keep rebuying the same stuff?

Buy Your 2008 Holiday Crap Now While It's Practically Free
If you’re one of those people who has more storage space than money (not us, sadly) go out right now and buy your 2008 holiday crap, while it’s 75% off.
Do protests against violent video games help sell said violent video games? Yeah, probably. [Wired via Digg]

Disney Will Stop Making Painfully Embarrassing, Awful Direct To DVD Sequels, And You Can Stop Buying Them
Disney will discontinue their line of painfully embarrassing and awful direct to DVD sequels on the recommendation of Steve Jobs, according to MacWorld. We consider this a coup for parents, because no one older than 8 likes these steaming hunks of crap, yet they are extremely commercially successful.
Drug Company VP Admits New Diet Drug Made Him Crap His Pants
“You may feel an urgent need to go to the bathroom. Until you have a sense of your treatment effects, it’s probably a smart idea to wear dark pants, and bring a change of clothes with you to work. “
There’s nothing to be ashamed about. Even GSK VP Steve Burton admitted to having “one experience like that.” Oily rectal spotting, you are just the price we must pay for thinness. Well, that… and $1 a day. —MEGHANN MARCO

The "Infinity Razor" Shaves Wallets Better Than Faces
Then I was told that “regular” shipping would take four to six weeks, an eternity to someone trying to prove the replaceable razor blade consortium corrupt. So I chose “rush.” Suddenly, with $18.90 in shipping and handling fees, my $19.95 razor (plus fogless mirror) was costing $56.75.

Skin Care: All You Need Is Soap and Sunscreen
Unless you have prescription skin care needs, all you really need is cleaner and sunscreen says, Dr. Cook-Bolden, a dermatologist who is part of a back-to-basics movement. From The New York Times:
Get Organized: Sale Round Up
It’s a New Year and the weather is still nice. Time to organize your crap.
Organize Your Holiday Crap
We know you’re sitting there at your computer looking at a huge pile of Holiday crap. Where will you put it? This week is the best time to get organized. We know it seems impossible, but it’s not. Real Simple has some nice tips for storing all your decorations in a neat organized way. Here are some we like:
We Reupload Heinous PSP Flog Videos Sony Removed
UPDATE: The 807 comments that were on the Dancing Petey video, after the jump.

Daily Freeload
Here’s your free stuff o’ the day, thanks to Dewan, you frickin’ cheapskates.

Woot Off: Day 2
Just a quick reminder that yesterday’s Woot Off—where Woot drops one deal after another until each item is sold—continues apace.