
National Funeral Home Lets Hundreds Of Corpses Rot In Hallways

National Funeral Home Lets Hundreds Of Corpses Rot In Hallways

The National Funeral Home in Falls Church, Virginia stores unrefrigerated corpses, including some bound for Arlington National Cemetery, in hallways and garages for months on end, according to embalmer-turned-whistleblower Steven Napper. The Funeral Home’s owner, Texas-based Service Corporation International, told Napper that they were unwilling to pay for refrigeration, which would prevent corpses from leaking and growing mold.

Lawsuits: American Airlines Loses Wife's Corpse For 4 Days

Lawsuits: American Airlines Loses Wife's Corpse For 4 Days

It’s one thing if American Airlines loses your baggage, but what about your wife’s body? What do you do then? One Brooklyn man was faced with this grim dilemma when he arranged to have his wife’s body flown to their home in Ecuador after she passed away from pelvic cancer. American Airlines lost the body, and it went unrefrigerated for 4 days, according to the New York Post.

Pizza Delivery Guy Also Delivers Corpses

Pizza Delivery Guy Also Delivers Corpses

If you’re about to start a career in pizza delivery, here’s a small tip: don’t deliver those stuffed-crust pepperonis in your other job’s company vehicle… a mortuary hearse.

Wal-Mart Unburies Competition

Wal-Mart Unburies Competition

Robert Sterling forwarded us this story, entitled ‘Unmarked cemetery found near Wal-Mart’. We offer it to you as a test.