consumer toolkit

Forgot To Return A Purchase? Maybe Your Credit Card Issuer Can Help

Forgot To Return A Purchase? Maybe Your Credit Card Issuer Can Help

While racking up unsecured debt is generally a bad thing, there can be hidden advantages to using your credit card for everyday purchases. Two benefits that we often recommend as weapons for consumer justice are chargebacks and warranty extensions, but here’s another one that you may not be aware of: return period extensions. Yes, buying with some credit cards can give you longer to return an unwanted item to the retailer. [More]

(Chris Rief aka Spodie Odie)

Can’t Find Executives’ Names For An EECB? Use LinkedIn

Since we published our original guide to launching an executive e-mail carpet bomb in 2007, one thing has changed: social media has become a lot more ubiquitous for people who aren’t currently enrolled in college. Reader Tiana recently had the same problem over and over with an item that she bought at a regional jewelry chain, and got it resolved by contacting some higher-ups. It’s how she figured out who to write to that’s worth filing away in the consumer toolkit in your brain. [More]