conan o brien

EECB NBC To Save The Conan O' Brien Show

EECB NBC To Save The Conan O' Brien Show

Our inbox has spoken: due to popular reader demand, it’s time to harness the power of the EECB, the executive email carpet bomb, for its most important mission ever: saving the Conan O’ Brien show. [More]

Consumerist Mentioned On Conan O' Brien

Consumerist Mentioned On Conan O' Brien

Apparently BJ Novak from The Office mentioned The Consumerist on Conan O’ Brien last night because last year we wrote about how he went on Conan to expose how Cadbury Eggs keep shrinking, and it soon blew up into a big deal with a bunch of other places picking up the story. I can’t wait for The Office to do an episode where Michael outlaws the use of paper and pens. Here’s the clip.