Calling a big scary company and getting executive customer can be daunting for the novice, so we wanted to show you how easy it is.

One Pearl Place Is A Shithole
Doug has set up a fun website to put his former apartment complex, One Pearl Place, in the stockades. Hot dogs in the hot tub, thin walls, windows that won’t open, broken glass left on stairways, and a little thing about them trying to get him to pay $400 extra dollars.

Car And Driver Is A Bitch
Car and Driver magazine sent Jim a real jerkoff collections notice, made all the more worse because his payment wasn’t even yet past due.

Contact CEOs Of Major Cellphone Companies
Inside, the phone number and mailing address for the CEOs of every major US cellphone carrier.
Motorola DVR Possessed By Evil
“The DVR started out by simply not responding to any command to change channels, etc. Suddenly, it switched to channel 3, then 4, then 5, 6, 7, and so on. I managed to pause it for a second, but then it just jumped to channel 233 and stayed there, pulsing on that channel while the DVR box flashed the numbers. This story really isn’t terribly interesting on its own, but the channel it stopped on was a religious channel with a priest featured prominently on the screen.”

Plates Don’t Fit GE Triton Eterna Dishwasher
Michele is pissed. Her plates won’t fit into her GE Triton Eterna dishwasher.
BestBuy Doesn’t Want You Using Your Gift Card?
Does Best Buy have a policy designed to trick you into not using your gift card?’s Packaging Sucks!
Jerry writes in with a photo of the totally fucked up book he received from He realizes that it’s the USPS’s fault for messing up the book… but is wondering if’s packaging needs to be quite as flimsy as it is.
New ATM Increases Reader’s Likelihood Of Being Riddled With Bullets
Garth used to be able to jump out of his car and deposit his checks in under a minute. That changed when his Bank of America installed a new ATM.

Netbank Plays The Dating Game
Mike’s bank is asking inappropriately personal security questions, and Mike doesn’t feel that he will be able to remember the answers 12 months down the line.
Consumer Takes Sleazy Prius Salesman To Court
An update on the Weingolds who are suing a Prius salesman, claiming he screwed them over on a sale and then proceeded to leave threatening messages on their answering machine.
Customer Pries Rebate From Circuit City’s Clutches
He recorded the call, made in Colorado, a one-party consent state, and uploaded it to YouTube. A slideshow of Colorado scenery plays in the background.

Cure Random Shutdown Syndome
Apple has released a firmware upgrade that they say is a solutions for Mac users suffering from RSS or “Random Shutdown Syndrome.”
United Healthcare Doesn’t Feel Like Paying For Your Drugs
“Your drugs are too expensive.”
Gawker’s Customer Service Under Fire
For a brief period in August, every Gawker commenter was naked, their email address flapping in the wind.