I have had a Capital One Mastercard for about 10 years. My interest rate has been 4.99% for as long as I can remember. I received my statement for October to find that my interest rate had jumped from 4.99% to 13.5%.

Citing "Market Conditions" Capital One Raises Reader's APR 4.99% to 13.5%.

UPDATE: Girl Accused Of Dropping Apple Laptop Gets New One
“This is Stephanie, I emailed you a couple of weeks ago about my MacBook’s cracked screen, and how the manager at Apple in Chestnut Hill was basically the worst person ever.”

With Imaginary Mold, Sheraton Cancels 30 Wedding Guest Reservations For International Figure Skaters
“My sister is getting married in Reading, PA on October the 27th and we booked approximately 30 hotel rooms at the Sheraton Hotel in Wyomissing, PA for out-of-town guests. The groom is from Washington state, so there are a significant number of people traveling across the country. The block of rooms was reserved well over a year in advance and all of the individual reservations were made with months to spare. There is a large figure skating competition in the area (Skate America) that same weekend, and hotel rooms are nearly impossible to come by at this point within a 45 minute drive. Late last week my mom called the Sheraton to check in on the reservations (as she had done multiple times prior given the aforementioned dearth of hotel rooms in the area for that weekend to ensure that nothing like this would occur) and was told they had canceled all of the hotel rooms in the block including the bridal suite.”
Widow Loses Credit History Along With Husband
Widows finds that she’s lost more than just a husband, she’s also lost decades worth of credit history, as creditors are unwilling or unable to transfer the joint accounts into her name. Takeaway: married couples, make sure your credit history is correct and listed under your individual name. Free credit report copies available at annualcreditreport.com.
Aquos LC-32D40U Develops Defect 1 Month Out Of Warranty
A friend of ours bought a Sharp Aquos LC-32D40U last year. Its warranty expired in August. Naturally, this month, it developed a strange liberation. There’s a thin black line on the right side of the screen. It sorta looks like it’s not completely hiding the letter boxes when you go to full screen format. When he called Sharp, they didn’t want to help him because his warranty was over. Best Buy, where he bought it, will charge $100 to come out and look and it.

Verizon Unleashes Zombie Debt Collector Scourge On Innocent Consumer
Reader Kevin has a problem with Verizon and the zombie debt collectors they’ve unleashed on the account Verizon said was paid off and closed…

Circuit City's Clever Circular Ad Misprint Explanation
Mark writes:
Saw a great deal at Circuit City in yesterday’s Sunday ad. Not crazy, but great. $5 for a Sony 1G Microvault Flash drive… The ad said, “Save $25. Reg. 29.95.”
Discover Randomly Raises 400,000 Members' APR "To Remain Competitive"
Discover card holders, check your bills. You may be one of 400,000 lucky members getting their interest rates significantly increased for no apparent reason.
We received a “Love Note” separately from our statement from Discover stating that our APR will be rising from 12.74% to 19.99% . While I do carry a small balance on the card sometimes, it has never been one that I use much because I have cards that are below 8% APR and still offer rewards. Now, my credit isn’t bad (744 FICO – just checked after getting off the phone with Discover). I have no past dues, never pay late, etc. I also noticed that the statement said “this decision to change your terms was NOT based upon information in your credit file”.

The Ultimate Consumerist Guide To Fighting Back
If you have a legitimate grievance with a company that they’re not helping you solve, here are 15 hand-picked articles of ours that will be your blueprint to kicking ass. They’re arranged in 3 escalating tiers, depending on how far you want-to/have-to take it. If you’re ready to stop getting mad and start getting results, check out the posts inside…

Bealls Says They Will Destroy The Walmart Nazi T-Shirts
Reader Rob wrote to Bealls, the outlet store that was selling the infamous Walmart Nazi T-shirts, and they responded by thanking him for making them aware of the situation and promising to destroy the shirts.
Need A $34.95 Warranty Covered Part? That'll be $65 For The Useless Service Call
If you could help me out I would be most appreciative. Please see my contact information at the end of this letter. Here’s the full version…

New Comcast Complaint Site: Comcastmustdie.com
Cranky Advertising Age columnist Bob Garfield has channeled his Comcast loathing into a new blog endeavor, Comcastmustdie.com. Garfield figured why should he have all the fun lambasting Comcast on his blog? So he set up a new blog and invites you to give Comcast what’s for in the comments. Besides your complaint, he encourages you to include your customer number in your posts so Comcast can identify you (in case they decide to care).

Defective iPhone Screen? Here's A New One. Oops, Its Screen Is Defective Too (Repeat 5 Times…)
Apple Store Says You "Must" Have Dropped Your Laptop – No I Didn't – Yes You Did – No I Didn't – Please Leave The Store
Last Wendesday, I was sitting in my dorm room by myself, doing homework on my Macbook, which is less than two months old. After typing my essay for a while, I went on my bed to do some other homework. Nobody else was in the room at all during this time, just me. After about 10 minutes, I returned to my computer, opening it only to see that 1/3 of the screen was broken.

Dell Arbitrarily Decides Your 2008 Warranty Ends In 2007
Dell has decided that Saundra’s warranty, which ends in 2008, ends in 2007, and won’t repair her motherboard for free. Saundra has informed them of the error and sent them the relevant documents, to which Dell has shrugged. Saundra has now decided to sue Dell in small claims court. Which mall kiosk which she deliver the court papers to? Who knows, there’s got to be thousands of them around the nation… Her story follows.
Premiere Bathrooms Swindles Parkinson's Afflicted Elderly For $15,000 Bathtub
“My grandmother informs them once they are done that she will not be paying them any more money, and that this has gone to the states attorney’s office. On hearing this, one of the installers gets on his cell phone and calls his boss. They talk, he hangs up and walks into the bathroom and proceeds to take off the tub door. He walks out of the bathroom with this door and my grandmother says what are you doing and grabs the door…”