
T-mobile Apologises For 3 Months Of No Service With $5 Off Bill

Nadine writes:

I recently switched to T-mobile thinking I would get better service at a fair rate. Unfortunately, since the onset of my contract with T-mobile this hasn’t been the case. In the past three months I have experienced major communication difficulties. I have been unable to receive phone calls and many of my text messages are not going through. I have been calling T-Mobile’s customer care to no avail regarding this problem and they informed me that they were experiencing network difficulties in New York City. They claimed that the problems were being worked on. As time passed I continued to experience the same difficulties but to a greater degree. My callers had to text me because they couldn’t get through when calling. I called for help but there was a different excuse given as to why the service wasn’t working…

Circular Delivery Guys Are An Unstoppable Force

Circular Delivery Guys Are An Unstoppable Force

Every two weeks everyone on my block gets a bag full of coupons. It’s a bit annoying and certainly a waste of trees. I kick them right to the curb for recycling. One time I even tracked down the company and asked for them to stop delivering to building. They said, oh yeah sure, it may take a few weeks, but we’ll take you off the list. The coupons have never stopped.

Chase Changes Due Date Without Warning, Changes APR From 3.9% To 29.99%

Chase Changes Due Date Without Warning, Changes APR From 3.9% To 29.99%

Dan writes: “I was scammed big by JP Morgan Chase Credit Cards. They apparently have “floating due dates” that we had not encountered in our 10+ years as customers but somehow February of 2007 was the magic month. They moved our due date up by 3 days, our payment was two days late. They raised our interest rate from 3.99% to 29.99%…Amazingly enough, on our March bill the due date is exactly the same as January. They claim they sent us a notification letter, but I never received one. I spoke to the worst customer service person ever, Dennis Broyles, who claimed that no one in the company had the power to change my interest rate back and that he had no supervisor I could speak with. It was outrageous.”

Stuck With Dermot Management, A Modern-Day Slumlord

A reader writes:

A major NYC real estate corp [Dermot Management] is seriously fucking its tenants, myself included, and I just signed my lease a week ago and am now stuck with these bastards.

Delta Downgrades Early-Bird Holiday Travelers To Make Room For More Profitable Latecomers

Delta Downgrades Early-Bird Holiday Travelers To Make Room For More Profitable Latecomers

Beware if you managed to snag a cheap Delta nonstop flight for the holidays, you might find yourself downgraded. Airfarewatchdog Blog reports that a reader got an insane $138 roundtrip from JFK to Denver for peak Christmas travel. Then a few weeks ago Delta told him they were adding a connecting flight both ways, and now it’s on a regional jet instead of a nice big jet. Why? Probably to make room for the $600 tickets Delta wanted to sell to last-minute customers.

Best Buy Says Laptop Batteries Cost $500 To Replace

Sean writes:

I am “The Computer Guy” in my family and my mother needed a laptop for work. My wife and I went to Best Buy in Bel Air, MD with her to pick out one that would fit her budget and allowed her to work from home. I found a Compaq for a little more than $700 on sale without rebates. I signaled for an employee and told her the laptop we wanted. The employee got the laptop and went on about needing the service plan. I let her drone on because I wanted to see if it covered accidental breakage (it doesn’t). During the speech she talked about the battery, how it’s like a cell phone battery, and that they would replace it once a year for the length of the contract. She then mentioned that the battery would cost my Mother $500 if she had to buy it separately…

What The Heck Is The "DC Cellular Surcharge Residential" Fee?

What The Heck Is The "DC Cellular Surcharge Residential" Fee?

Kimberly writes:

My concern is over another fee that I get nailed with every month that I had never noticed… Not only do I have to pay a federal universal service charge, but the District of Columbia, where I live (obvs), charges me another time – to the tune of $8.90 a month. That seems exorbitant and arbitrary! Not a good combo! What the hell is this and who do we complain to?

While perhaps exorbitant, the fee isn’t arbitrary….

Update: Why I Did Not Cancel Comcast

Update: Why I Did Not Cancel Comcast

Remember “Mr. Pants,” the guy that was canceling Comcast? Well, a Biblical-grade swarm of technicians descended upon his home like locusts with service trucks. So he’s keeping them.

Valve "Deactivating" Customers Who Bought "Orange Box" Internationally

Valve "Deactivating" Customers Who Bought "Orange Box" Internationally

According to reader Todd, there are quite a few customers are finding their “Orange Box” games have been deactivated by Valve because they bought them from a seller that wasn’t authorized to do business with US customers.

BoA Jacks Up Your Rates To 32.24% If You're Late With Two Payments

BoA Jacks Up Your Rates To 32.24% If You're Late With Two Payments

Bank of America gave Timothy a fun new “change in terms” yesterday that says if he pays late on his Visa at least twice in 12 months, they’re reserving the right to jack his rates up to a higher APR. It could go high as up as an effective APR of 32.24%. Hey, gotta make up for that 32% earnings drop somehow.

"Premium Texting" By Disabled Daughter Results In $10,000 Sprint Bill

Hi Ben –

$18 Fee For Pleasure Of Being Locked To AT&T For Two More Years

$18 Fee For Pleasure Of Being Locked To AT&T For Two More Years

Jack recently got a new phone for one of his AT&T cellphones. In the process, he of course had to extend his contract another two years. When he got his bill, he discovered a mysterious $18 “upgrade fee.” When he called AT&T, they told him it was the standard contract extension charge.

Why I Canceled Comcast

Why I Canceled Comcast

Reader “Mr. Pants” writes us with the story of why he canceled Comcast. It’s all the reasons that everyone cancels Comcast wrapped up into one spiffy complaint letter.

PetCo Sells Dog Food That Expired 3 Years Ago

PetCo Sells Dog Food That Expired 3 Years Ago

Marc’s puppy is ill and he suspects the culprit is some expired dog food he bought at PetCo.


Because of a United employee misrepresenting cat carrier policies, this man endured a big hassle and is no longer flying United. [United Really Sucks]

Verizon Charges You For Telemarketing To You

When Verizon calls you to upsell you on a higher text message plan, it costs you minutes. Reader Alex got a little ring-a-ling from Verizon this morning:

After he identified himself (“Mike”), I immediately asked the salesperson if this call would count towards my daytime minutes. The representative informed me that, yes, it surely would. Needless to say I wasn’t exactly pleased with this revelation.

Princess Cruise Lines Requires Death Certificate To Get Off Junk Mail List

Princess Cruise Lines Requires Death Certificate To Get Off Junk Mail List

From The Portland Mercury:

The FTC Consumer Help-Line Is Anti-Consumer

The FTC Consumer Help-Line Is Anti-Consumer

Over 15 minutes on hold, several layers of phone tree prompts delivered in a ponderous and faux erudite tone, a rep with a hard to understand accent, and getting disconnected in the middle of the call… sounds like your megacorp 1-800 line, right? Nope, it’s the FTC Consumer Help Line.