
Sometimes Apple Customer Service Ain't That Amazing

You know what, Apple has this titanium image like they have the awesomest customer service in the world, and sometimes you call and get the really great and quick ninja Apple Care reps, but sometimes when you call Apple Care you get what sounds like are the outsourced guys and they’re very stupid and not helpful and difficult to understand. There, I said it.

ING Holds Ex-Netbank Customer's Money Hostage

ING Holds Ex-Netbank Customer's Money Hostage

Mr. Kuhlman,

Dead Bugs Found In Health Valley Soup

Dead Bugs Found In Health Valley Soup

I bought a Health Valley split pea soup at Publix Supermarket in Miami, FL on Friday 01/11/08 in the morning before coming in to work. Around 12:30 or so when I finally felt ready to have lunch, I opened the soup only to find it infested with dead bugs.

The Problem With Using "Free" Online Services: Random Censorship

The Problem With Using "Free" Online Services: Random Censorship

Laura used Picasa to share photographs of her mastectomy with members of her support group, as well as family and friends. Now they’re gone, deleted without warning because some anonymous jackass flagged them as inappropriate. [Update: Pics are back up! Google apologized and reinstated the entire album, along with comments.] The first problem with this is that it’s hard to figure out which category of “inappropriate” surgical pictures fall under: obscenity, pornography, promotions of hate, incitement of violence, spam, malicious code, or viruses?

EECB Scores Direct Hit On Student Lender ACS

EECB Scores Direct Hit On Student Lender ACS

Adam shares his success story in using an EECB (executive email carpet bomb) to get his student loan company to fix his botched loan after a year of runarounds and empty promises:

In January 2007, I took out a Graduate Plus Loan to cover a couple of courses at George Washington University. I was in-school half-time from mid-January to mid-May of 2007. Accordingly, I should have been covered by an in-school deferment through May of 2007. Well, unknown to me, my lender, ACS (as sub-lender to PNC bank) decided that I actually needed to be making student loan payments while in school and never decided to tell me about it!

Worst Business Reply Postcard Ever

Worst Business Reply Postcard Ever

Can you spot what’s wrong with this Business Reply postcard? That’s right, The Huntsville Times wants you to write down your full contact information and credit card number on a postcard and send it through the mail where anyone can see it. Hellooooo, identity theft.

DirecTV Installer Crashes Through Your Ceiling, Won't Repair The Damage

DirecTV Installer Crashes Through Your Ceiling, Won't Repair The Damage

In April of 2006, Deborah replaced her daughter’s DirecTV receiver. When the technician was installing the line to her daughter’s bedroom, he accidentally shoved his foot through the Deborah’s ceiling.

Vegetarian Complains About Chicken Fat In Rice-A-Roni. Response? Sent Free Recipe For "Prize-Winning Meatloaf"

Vegetarian Complains About Chicken Fat In Rice-A-Roni. Response? Sent Free Recipe For "Prize-Winning Meatloaf"

Jordan writes:

Recently, I discovered that many of Rice-a-roni’s products, even the one’s I assumed to be vegetarian friendly, had meat byproducts in them. Granted, I can expect “Chicken and Broccoli” to have meat byproducts, but I’ve come to discover almost all of them do. Nearly all contain Chicken Fat. I wrote Rice-A-Roni a complaint, which can be found below, with there extremely helpful response! I was very pleased with their Customer Relations department for the time being. They wrote they’d send me a few coupons and such to try out their Kosher line, which can be vegetarian friendly. I just received the coupons in the mail. I opened the enveloped, with three coupons for Quaker Oats products. Here’s the irony. They decided it’d be friendly of them to send a recipe that I could try out with their products. What recipe is sent, do you ask. A recipe for Quaker Oats “Prize-Winning Meatloaf.”

Best Buy Forbids You From Buying Assassin's Creed, Insists You're Buying It For A Minor

Best Buy Forbids You From Buying Assassin's Creed, Insists You're Buying It For A Minor

Matt writes:

Yesterday I went through the horror of taking my 15 year old brother to the Best Buy in Orland Park, IL on LaGrange Ave. I had close to $100 in Best Buy Gift Certificates given to me for Christmas. My brother and I were en route to dinner and we decided to swing by the aforementioned Best Buy to pick up a video game, Assassin’s Creed, and XBOX Live Gold. We entered the store. I browsed the camera aisle looking for a cable to possibly purchase for our flat screen then headed to the video game section. I picked up the said items and headed to check out where hell will shortly ensue.

Seagate Issue Resolved After Posting Complaint Along With Executive Email Addresses On Company's Own Site

Shawn has a nice success story with the Seagate company that provides an interesting twist on the EECB (Executive Email Carpet Bomb) technique that we’ve been telling you about for months:

I bought a Seagate FreeAgent Pro 750GB external harddrive about two or three months ago, and backed up several harddrives to it. Everything was going awesome on every computer I had, but then it had an issue on my desktop. “Delayed Write Failure” WHAT? I try to read the information on the drive, it won’t allow me.

Even Though You Can't Get Service, Tmobile Won't Let You Leave Without Fee

Even Though You Can't Get Service, Tmobile Won't Let You Leave Without Fee

Evan sent the following complaint letter to Tmobile’s CEO:

I am a T-Mobile customer from Miami, FL. I am writing you to report the unconscionable treatment I have received from T-Mobile over the past six months. For the past six months I have received no cellular reception in my area. After repeated calls and technical checks, the T-Mobile technical team issued a report stating that there is no coverage in my home and T-Mobile has no intention of upgrading the service in my area. I was initially told that upgrading my equipment to a new phone may resolve my issue. After a contract renewal and significant expense for the new equipment, my service is no better than it was previously.

Really Annoying Circuit City Trip Results In Lost Time And Rebate

Really Annoying Circuit City Trip Results In Lost Time And Rebate

Subject: Store # 3160 – Problem at Checkout

Passengers Claim They Were "Held Hostage" For 33 Hours On United Airlines

Passengers Claim They Were "Held Hostage" For 33 Hours On United Airlines

Passengers on a flight from Puerto Rico to Chicago claim that they were delayed for 33 hours while United Airlines loaded them on and off two broken planes. One passenger compared the ordeal to being “held hostage,” says FOX Chicago.

Jon And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Sprint Service

Jon And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Sprint Service

Sprint has told Jon that he owes over $2,500 in broken phones that he says he returned but they don’t seem to have a record of. His tale is long and twisted, and seems to be the first reported failure of the Sprint executive customer service line we’ve received. In fact, his account sounds so messed up that probably the best thing to do is shut it down and switch providers. Just another drop in the churn bucket. Jon writes:


If you have problems getting an exit seat from Midwest Airlines ticket agent Ramone at LGA, it’s possible he will tell Roger to go up to you on the flight and boom, “I UNDERSTAND YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS SEAT AND WANT OFF THIS FLIGHT.” [Click Here Technology Columns]

Best Buy Charges Wrong Price, Lies When Confronted

Best Buy Charges Wrong Price, Lies When Confronted

Chris writes: “I had been last minute Christmas shopping on Saturday morning with my younger brother and sister and we happened upon Best Buy where we were looking for a digital picture frame for my Dad as a Christmas present. We got to the section near the digital cameras and noticed a decent deal. “7” Digital Picture Frame Touch” 79.99 was the label. A whole slew of product (NuTouch 7″ Touch button Frames) were neatly stocked on the shelf. Note: STOCKED not STACKED. I quickly picked one up and proceeded to the register. At the register- the product rung up for the incorrect price (179.99)- here in CT, when that happens, so long as the item is labeled as such in the store (mistake or not) the retailer is legally supposed to give you the product for free (if food items) or at the marked price if it is any other type of consumer product…”

Complaint Ratios For Top 10 Auto Insurers

Complaint Ratios For Top 10 Auto Insurers

New York state has released its Annual Ranking of Automobile Insurance Complaints. Here’s how the 10 biggest insurance companies, as determined by market share, compare. The ratio is the number of upheld complaints filed with the state Insurance Department as compared to the company’s total consumer car business. Upheld complaints are the complaints where the state Insurance Department agrees that the insurance company was in the wrong.

I'm Writing To You From The Laptop Sony Claimed Was Soaked In "Pink Liquid"

I'm Writing To You From The Laptop Sony Claimed Was Soaked In "Pink Liquid"

I’m composing this email with rather mixed emotions. I am, on the one hand almost lightheaded with relief. I am, on the other hand so incredibly angry I’m almost sick. Let me explain.