What happens when a TV production team wants to make a show set in a big-box discount store, but can’t build an entire store set because they’re only filming a pilot episode? To film “Superstore,” a new (and funny) show on NBC, they lightly remodeled a Kmart store in Burbank, California, and used it as their set… while the store remained open. [More]

‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ Produces A Fake Commercial For Sears That Could Work
This may come as a surprise to some of you, but Sears still exists. For a while, we wondered whether it was an advanced anti-capitalist prank that only pretends to sell goods in exchange for money, and that may still be the case for corporate sibling Kmart. The writers of Jimmy Kimmel Live noticed this, and decided to help Sears out by making them a commercial. [More]

Wendy’s Worker Doing Funny Voices Shows (Again) How Easily We Are Amused At The Drive-Thru
First of all, let me be clear: There is absolutely nothing wrong with a drive-thru worker, or any fast food employee, trying to lighten the mood and amuse customers. But I’ve got to wonder if perhaps the bar for personal interactions is set so low during those transactions that if a worker shows even the least effort in entertaining people, it’s like the most extremely hilarious moment of everyone’s lives, ever. [More]

A Carnival Triumph Passenger Has Filed A Lawsuit Already: Also, An Apology
We would like to take a moment to apologize to you, our audience. A reader has brought to our attention that in our coverage of the Carnival Triumph disaster, have repeatedly used the words “triumph” and “poop” in close proximity to each other without once making a reference to Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog. [More]

Duane Reade Has All Your Back To School Supplies. All Of Them!
From pencils, to bear costumes, to urostomy pouches, Duane Reade is your one-stop back to school supershop. The drug store gets a little gentle ribbing over the extensiveness of its inventory in this amusing little parody ad. [More]

Brian Regan Doesn't Know How To Use UPS
Comedian Brian Regan talks about how he’s really bad at using UPS. If you’ve ever wondered why UPS operators sound like they’re both bored and on the verge of killing you, it’s because of jackasses like this who call up and give fake information because they’re too lazy/stupid to figure out how to perform basic measurements. Is it really that hard to weigh yourself on a scale, then weigh yourself on a scale holding the box, then subtract your weight from the you + box weight? But once you get past the basic “customer is a moron” premise, the bit is pretty funny. [More]

This Cellphone Ad Needs More Anxiety!
As any Mad Men fan can tell you, ads are all about creating the itch and then selling the cream to soothe it. You stoke the desire and then offer the solution. Sales ensue. But what the modern dreamweavers on Madison Ave have figured out is that the two don’t even have to be related. You could show a bunch of elephants trampling a village – an anxious event, indeed – and then “Pencils! Get 20 for $2” and you have yourself a great ad. Very Eisenstein, and for some reason, this tactic seems especially popular in cellphone ads. I remember a Verizon one where a girl had to have a llama and it was socially awkward. Inspired, I wrote up a short sketch to demonstrate: [More]

Introducing The Snuggie D-Lux
The Snuggie D-Lux solve a big problem for male Snuggie fans: if the fleece robe has completely covered your front, what happens when you need to access your man parts? Removing the robe could leave you feeling cold, isolated, and remind you that we’re in a recession. But now there’s the Snuggie D-Lux, the robe with three sleeves! NSFW, the D in D-Lux stands for something naughty. [More]

Finally, A Competitor To The ShamWow Has Arrived
There’s this new towel technology that Steve here is showing off, and it’s got us pretty impressed. We may have finally found something to replace all of our ShamWows.

Out-Of-Work Adults Try To Nab Summer Lifeguard Positions
Some adults who are out of work are now going after classic teen jobs, says ABC News. In Florida, which has the fourth-highest unemployment rate of the nation, men in their 30s and 40s “have pulled on swim trunks in hopes of beating out the teenagers for a few choice positions as $9.37 an hour lifeguards.” The report also says adults are trying out for jobs at places like Six Flags. All of this reminds us a little of this Kids In The Hall Sketch (see below) where a young boy finds a stray businessman and brings him home.

KFC's Mashed Potato Bowl: Picture Vs Reality
Jay sent us this picture of a KFC Mashed Potato Bowl he purchased. It’s probably blurry in real life, too. Click through for larger, even less appetizing pics, plus a special YouTube tribute.

Patton Oswalt Vs The Black Angus Gauntlet Of Angry Food
In commemoration of the death of this casual steakhouse dining facility, we present stand-up comedian Patton Oswalt’s paean to Black Angus’ mouth-pouch-stuffin’ profligacy. The going starts getting good at 0:52. [NSFW, cursing] (Thanks to mookiemookie!)
Discover The Fairsley Difference!
This fake ad-battle from “Mr. Show”—a big city supermarket chain squares off against a naïve local grocer—perfectly captures a certain type of aggressive, scorched-earth advertising style usually reserved for political campaigns.

NBC Teaches Personal Finance Lessons On "30 Rock"
NBC is taking the “workplace comedy” concept to new levels of realism, by including a couple of scenes about a major character’s lack of a savings plan in this week’s “30 Rock” episode. After being awarded a $10,000 “GE Followship Award” for being such a great follower, Tina Fey’s character stuns her boss by revealing she doesn’t have a 401(k)—or, apparently, even a savings account.
Improv Everywhere Protests Wendy's Stereotypical Depiction Of Redheads
Redheads [Improv Everwhere]

SNL Skit: Don't Buy Stuff You Can't Afford
SNL offers a revolutionary debt and money-management program. Chris Parnell teaches Steve Martin and Amy Poehler the secret to financial success. It’s all detailed in a new book called, “Don’t Buy Stuff You Can’t Afford.” Every debtor in America should read it.