
Court Rules Customs Agents Can Collect Data From Laptops & Cellphones Without Cause
Some visitors and citizens of the United States may be shocked to learn that their computers, cell phones and data devices are now subject to search and data retrieval upon entry into the U.S., even without cause or suspicion. On April 19th, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that all computers and data devices are the same as luggage in that they can be searched without cause, and that all collected data may be stored indefinitely. More, inside…

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service Desk
Here is another phone number to reach the Verizon Wireless executive customer service desk: 845-365-7700. If that number doesn’t work, here are some others to try.

Reader Uses Being Nice To Quickly Escapes Verizon Without Early Termination Fee
Mason used the increase in monthly administrative…

Verizon Offering Credits To Keep You From Escaping Contract Without Early Termination Fee
Alicia wants to escape her Verizon contract…

Escape Verizon Without Early Termination Fee Based On Administrative Charge Increase
Verizon is increasing the monthly administrative…

Cellular South Pays Your Early Termination Fee If You Switch To Them
Cellular South is so eager to get you as a…

Motorola Flip-Flops On Flap Failure
When reader Stuart bought his Motorola Razr V3XX, he was pleased with the phone but could not understand why the tiny flap covering the charger port was held in place by only 2 fragile plastic hinges. As if channeling the spirit of Nostradamus, Stuart made a startling prediction: This flimsy flap will fail. And it did. Twice. The first time, Motorola happily sent Stuart a new flap. But when the flap failed again 8 months later, Motorola unleashed a volley of red tape that left Stuart stuck. Stuart’s letter and Motorola’s response inside…
If you thought AT&T’s $2 fee to pay a bill in cash in-store was bad, wait till it goes up to $5. The price increase is scheduled for later this year. [Red Tape Chronicles]

Sprint Sends You Bill For $32,669
Jessie opened his Sprint bill and nearly had a heart attack. Staring back at him was in big bold letters: COLLECTION AGENCY ALERT. After recovering, Jessie looked at his bill and nearly had a second heart attack. It said the amount due was $32,669.00. Huh? Had his cellphone been hacked? Used as a call-home payphone for a neighborhood of Tajikistan émigrés? Used by NASA as a Space Station communications channel? Take a guess and then see the answer inside…

AT&T Phones On Sale For $.01
Today only, all AT&T phones are on sale at Amazon for only 1 cent with new service plan (Sorry, the iPhone is not included). We don’t know whether it’s an error or what, but it looks like on some of these you actually make money after rebate.

Sprint Reps No Longer Allowed To Quote Customer In Quotes In Case Of Subpoena?
Interesting, completely unverified, tidbit from an anonymous Sprint employee: “We’re no longer allowed to quote the customer in our notes [on the account] because if they’re subpoenaed by a judge then they’ll be evidence proving they’re telling the truth regarding their situation.” Any Sprint insiders care to comment?

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service
Here is a new number for reaching the Verizon Wireless Executive offices: 908-306-6750. They picked up right away for us. 910-794-6232 for Lisa Bennett, Executive Customer Relations, still works, as does a general executive office inline, 910-794-6200. Use the info in this post to guide your contact through the process of dealing with executive customer relations.

Verizon Doesn't Care That Someone Hijacked Your Account While You Were Serving Overseas
While Barbie was in Greece serving in the US Military, her cellphone account was hijacked by a strange scammer in Texas. (Barbie is not from Texas.) Because her Verizon account is supposed to be on hold, it took her awhile to figure out what was going on with her her supposedly dormant account. Now Verizon Wireless doesn’t believe her case is really fraud, and she’s sent this letter of complaint to the FCC.

BillShrink Finds Your Optimal Cellphone Plan
BillShrink is a new site that analyzes your cellphone use and shows you the plan from all the carriers that will save you the most money. You can either manually enter your zip and how much you’re paying monthly, or the more security cavalier can get more detailed results by offering up their cellphone number and carrier site password. I tested it out and while some parts of the website had to be tried a few times to get them to work, overall it was a good ride. They told me I could save $205 a year by switching to Tmobile. I’ll think about it.

Sprint's "Nucking Futs" "Jessica" Fired
benpopken: How did the company track down which “Jessica” it was?

Get Free Sprint Features With URL Hacking
Two more instances of Sprint’s insecure online system:

Sprint To Customer: "Are You Nucking Futs?"
Reader Pam asked Jessica if she could port her landline to her mobile account, prompting the Sprint CSR to respond: “No, are you nucking futz?” Pam wasn’t expecting an abusive chat when she visited Sprint’s website to research a potential contract extension, but Jessica unexpectedly appeared with advice that wasn’t just rude, but also wrong.