cat wine

Project Your Issues Onto Your Pet With Cat Wine

Project Your Issues Onto Your Pet With Cat Wine

Unless this is your first day exploring this magical place we call the internet, you’ve surely heard of cat wine products — non-alcoholic, catnip water, essentially — that you can safely offer to your best feline friends. But do cats even like the stuff, or is it more about humans projecting their shi–, uh, issues, on their furry companions? [More]

Drink up, Mrs. Whiskerbottoms.

Now That There’s Wine For Cats You Really Won’t Have To Drink Alone

We come to you bearing great news, feline lovers: Not only is there now a wine for cat — providing you with a cuddly drinking buddy at your beck and call! — but it’s also called Nyan Nyan Nouveau so we can only hope that the Great Nyan Cat himself will come shooting out of the bottle in a blaze of rainbow toaster pastry glory. [More]