Almost a year ago, it seemed like a federal court had put an end to the decade-long fight with bestselling scam artist Kevin Trudeau, finding the author and infomercial weight loss/personal finance pitchman in contempt of court for violating a 2004 court order barring him from telling lies in order to sell his books. Now, only a few months into his 10-year sentence, Trudea has filed an appeal. [More]
caged wisdom

Despite Jail Sentence, Scammy Pitchman Kevin Trudeau’s Infomercials Still Running
Last month, a court sentenced bestselling author, TV pitchman and scam artist Kevin Trudeau to 10 years behind bars for repeatedly lying to and defrauding consumers. And even though Trudeau is locked up for years to come, his infomercials continue to air. [More]

Fellow Prisoners Wanted Madoff To Teach Investment Classes
If you had unparalleled access to one of the biggest names in investing, wouldn’t you ask that person for some advice? That’s the logic that some prisoners at the federal prison in Butner, N.C. are using. Their financially savvy neighbor is Bernie Madoff, mastermind of the biggest Ponzi scheme in history. Yes, he knows something about investing. [More]