Taylor’s parents can get service from Time Warner Cable. Or maybe they can’t. Or maybe they can. Just calling up TWC the old-fashioned way eventually got her a response that it would cost $3,000 to extend the lines 500 feet to her parents’ house. Unfortunate, so she looked into other options…until typing in her parents’ address on a Time Warner ad, installing Time Warner Cable would be possible for $2,960.00 less than quoted. But a web form is one thing, and dealing with actual techs is another. No one at TWC seems to have any idea what Taylor should do now. [More]
cable installation

Liveblogging A Time Warner Cable Installation On Yelp
Ted in Brooklyn wanted a visible public record of his interactions with Time Warner Cable. He decided to liveblog his experience, somewhere that people might actually see it. That place was a review on Time Warner Cable’s New York City Yelp page. He updated the page as events became more convoluted and Kafkaesque. There are a lot of updates. [More]

Oops, My Time Warner Installer Accidentally Upsold Me!
Alex has a Time Warner DVR, but never asked for one. He tells Consumerist that the installer brought one to his home and connected it to the main TV instead of a cable box, but without installing DVR service. Because Alex and his roommate never asked for it. He’d be inclined to write this off as a simple error on the installer’s part, but he knows three other households in different parts of New York state that have had strangely forgetful cable installers. [More]