Buying in bulk might seem like a great idea, if you have the time and storage needed to deal such large quantities. But with more retailers offering coupons, in-store promotions and customer loyalty programs is buying in bulk really a good deal? And what items are even good in bulk? [More]
buying bulk

Will You Ever Use 20 Rolls Of Paper Towels? What To Buy And Not Buy In Bulk
By Ashlee Kieler 1.22.14

Store Bulk Grain With Free Frosting Buckets From Your Grocery Bakery
By Ben Popken 3.21.11
So you’re a savvy shopper and you’re saving by buying food in bulk and cooking a lot of your own meals. But how do you store all that food, especially grain? Your wallet isn’t the only one who likes a big stash of wheat, so do mice and other critters. To solve this problem, Laura over at the Heavenly Homemakers blog likes to hit up the bakery department of her local groceries and ask for their empty 5-gallon buckets of frosting. [More]