If you’re a fan of Breaking Bad, you’re undoubtedly very familiar with the show’s Los Pollos Hermanos — heck, you might even go so far as buy a T-shirt with the fictional restaurant/meth distributor’s logo on it. And that’s exactly why the artist who created the restaurant’s logo is suing Sony Pictures: he says the company made money off merchandise featuring the Los Pollos Hermanos logo without his permission. [More]
breaking bad

‘Breaking Bad’ Creator: If You’re Throwing Pizza On Walter White’s Albuquerque House, You’re A “Jagoff”
So you think you’re a Breaking Bad fan, huh? Well if you’re one of the people tossing pizza on the roof of Walter White’s home in Albuquerque, show creator Vince Gilligan has got some pointed words for you. [More]

Toys ‘R’ Us Removes “Breaking Bad” Action Figures, Now 100% (Toy) Meth-Free
When a Florida parent learned that there were action figures from the very adult cable drama “Breaking Bad” on the shelf at Toys ‘R’ Us, she was upset. Not because she hates the show or anything, but because she found the toys inappropriate. She began an online petition campaign and spoke to a local TV station, and Toys ‘R’ Us has responded by taking the toys off its virtual and real-life shelves. [More]

Parent Notices Meth-Toting “Breaking Bad” Action Figures At Toys ‘R’ Us, Complains
Should a toy store sell only toys for children? Toys ‘R’ Us is our last nationwide toy retailer, and one parent was horrified to see that the chain sells toy versions of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman, the antiheroes of the cable drama “Breaking Bad.” They are wonderfully detailed, down to their accessories: beakers, chili powder, a gun, and…oh, yeah, a tiny bag of blue crystal meth. [More]

NYC Pays Out $33,000 In Settlement After Police Mistake Jolly Ranchers For Meth
In a country enamored with a show about two guys making bright blue methamphetamine, it’s no wonder New York City policemen might’ve had drugs on the brain. But after cops mistook a few Jolly Rancher hard candies for meth and arrested three men in connection with the “controlled substance,” the NYPD has agreed to pay $33,000 to settle a lawsuit brought by one of the men who was in custody for 24 hours. [More]

Breaking Bad Finale Has Already Been Pirated More Than 500,000 Times
Plenty of people tuned into AMC last night to watch the finale of Breaking Bad (Spoiler Alert: Jesse and Walter have been living under a transparent dome the whole time!). And hundreds of thousands more around the globe chose to get their hands on the episode via less-than-legitimate methods, even in countries where it is incredibly easy to get the show on the cheap. [More]

Apple Treads Lightly, Offers Compromise In ‘Breaking Bad’ Season Split Controversy
As we explained not long ago, it’s not at all Apple’s fault that the fifth season of “Breaking Bad” aired in two separate blocks of eight episodes each. Apple didn’t decide to charge fans for the second half of the fifth season as if it were a separate season. Yet Apple gets blamed because it’s their name on our credit card statements. [More]

Pinkman-Up Your House With Actual Props From Breaking Bad
If you have several thousand dollars sitting around and feel that merely watching recorded episodes of Breaking Bad isn’t sufficient to curb your cravings, then head on over to Sony’s auction of hundreds of bona fide props from the soon-to-end AMC show. [More]

In The ’80s And ’90s, Heisenberg Hawked Legal, Over-The-Counter Drugs
Before he entered our homes and hearts by portraying a vaguely anti-Semitic dentist, a bumbling dad, and an unlikely meth kingpin, Bryan Cranston of “Breaking Bad” was a guy trying to make a full-time living as an actor. As fun as it is to see now-famous actors rhapsodizing about hemorrhoids, maybe watching these spots will help you clear the events from Sunday from your head. [More]

Breaking Bad Fan Sues Apple Over Split 5th Season
Our readers, largely people with excellent taste in TV, complained when they realized that buying a “season pass” to download the fifth season of the TV show “Breaking Bad” only entitles them to download the first half of the fifth season. One viewer has taken this a step further, suing Apple. [More]

I Have To Pay Another $23 Because 5th Season Of Breaking Bad Was Split In Half
Martin is really annoyed. Last year, he bought season 5 of “Breaking Bad” on iTunes, which means that the fresh episodes should show up on his Apple TV at the same time they air on cable. After all, the episodes on now are the second half of the fifth season, not the sixth season. [More]

Breaking Bad’s Bob Odenkirk Picks Apart Ads For Real-Life Ambulance Chasers
Rave all you want about Bryan Cranston’s portrayal of Walt White or how Aaron Paul’s Jesse Pinkman is the show’s true but flawed moral compass, but I say the real star of Breaking Bad is Bob Odenkirk as Saul Goodman, the bus bench attorney whose got-dressed-in-the-dark outward appearance belies the sly legal fox lurking underneath. So what better way to end the week than with this Vulture video of Odenkirk dissecting crappy ads for real-life ambulance chasers? [More]

Get A Free Car Wash Today Courtesy Of America’s Favorite Meth Kingpin
Even if you’ve never watched a single episode of “Breaking Bad,” the greatest show on television might make your life better. That’s because Walter and Skylar White are AMC is sponsoring free car wash events in eight cities in honor of Sunday’s premiere. The businesses will rebrand themselves as the show’s fictional A1A Car Wash. Octopus Car Wash, the real-life Albuquerque business that stands in for the fictional A1A, will not be participating. If you live in Denver, Washington D.C., Detroit, Cleveland, Los Angeles, San Diego, Dallas, or Houston and have a dirty Pontiac Aztek, drive it on over there. [AMC] [More]

Breaking Bad Getting Its Own Beer. No, It’s Not Blue
It would obviously be downright tacky to drink your Game of Thrones beer while that show is between seasons, but what’s a true connoisseur of TV-inspired beers to consume in the interim? Thankfully, a brewer in New Mexico has the answer — a Breaking Bad beer. [More]

Bust Open The Piggy Bank To Buy Jesse Pinkman’s Car From Breaking Bad
If the Rocky II house was too pricy for you but you still want to own a rad piece of bona fide entertainment memorabilia, a used car lot in Albuquerque is taking offers on a 1984 Toyota Tercel wagon — complete with driver’s side windshield wiper — that it claims was used as Jesse Pinkman’s car on soon-to-end AMC hit Breaking Bad. Now everyone in town will know you’re a top-notch meth cook, just like you always dreamed. [via AVclub.com] [More]

Healthy Choice Lasagna Disappoints Hungry Office Worker
Amanda keeps some frozen meals stashed in her office freezer for emergency healthy lunch options. Her latest Healthy Choice meal isn’t really so “healthy,” and more “icky. Not that she expects her meal to look like the expertly-styled one on the box, but she does expect it to look and taste edible. That’s an unreasonable expectation, as it turns out. [More]

New Mexico Store Selling "Meth Candy" Inspired By 'Breaking Bad' Says It's Just Sugar, Relax
It seems like everyone we know is totally addicted to Breaking Bad (pun very much intended) the show about — spoiler alert — cooking methamphetamine, a very illegal and dangerous drug. Almost universal fandom aside, selling blue crystal “meth candy” at a sweet shop might not go over so well. [More]

Dish CEO Says His Customers Don't Watch AMC Because "They Live In Farms & Ranches"
To all you Dish subscribers who have to go over to your friends’ houses to watch Breaking Bad because you no longer have AMC, the satellite service’s CEO has a message for you: Stop complaining and don’t watch good TV, because he never has. [More]