Take heart, Blackberry fans: new Blackberry-branded smartphones will be on the market soon. While the company gave up designing and manufacturing its own devices, and now designs only software for smartphones, it will continue to license that work to other manufacturers. China’s TCL will design, make, and sell BlackBerry devices in mot of the world. [More]

BlackBerry Won’t Be Designing Or Building Its Own Devices Anymore
BlackBerry is taking a big step back from the company it used to be, announcing today that it’s planning to stop designing and building its own devices, and will instead outsource that work to manufacturers. [More]

BlackBerry To Stop Making Classic Smartphone
It’s out with the old to make room for the new at BlackBerry, as the smartphone manufacturer announced it would stop making the BlackBerry Classic, its last device to use a physical keyboard. [More]

PayPal Drops Support For Amazon, Windows, & Blackberry Smartphone Apps
If you have an Amazon Fire, BlackBerry, or Windows phone and use PayPal’s app frequently, you might need to find another way to complete purchases from your smartphone: PayPal will discontinue its mobile apps for these phones on June 30. [More]

BlackBerry Settles Patent Dispute With Makers Of Slip-On Keyboard
After another round of fighting over whether keyboard company Typo Products’ was infringing on BlackBerry’s patents, the two sides have decided to settle their dispute. Typo will still get to sell slip-on keyboards — as long as they’re of a certain size. [More]

Apple Now Accepting Android, BlackBerry & Windows Phone Trade-Ins For Credit Toward iPhones
As predicted a few weeks ago, a new report says Apple is now going to accept smartphones and PCs from other manufacturers and give owners a discount on new iPhones. [More]

BlackBerry Suing Makers Of Slip-On iPhone Keyboard Again, Claiming New Version Is Infringement
BlackBerry has a bone to pick with Typo, the makers of a slip-on iPhone keyboard that the mobile phone company already sued once with claims that the case infringes on its patents, and it’s not ready to let that bone go anytime soon. A new lawsuit against Typo is now on the books, this time aimed at the company’s second iteration of slip-on accessories [More]

Slip-On Keyboard Company Has To Pay BlackBerry $860K For Continuing To Sell iPhone Accessory
BlackBerry’s trying its very best to stay relevant, and as such, it’s going after one company that actually seems to admire its phone design: After suing the makers of a slip-on iPhone keyboard by Typo Products that was similar to its own keyboard and successfully nabbing an injunction against sales of the accessory, BlackBerry will now get $860,000 after it claimed the company continued to sell the product. [More]

Samsung Electronics CEO: We’re Not Buying BlackBerry
Last week, it was rumored that Samsung was thinking of paying more than $7 billion to acquire wireless device maker BlackBerry. But the co-CEO for Samsung Electronics says his company doesn’t want to marry Blackberry; just enjoy a friends with benefits relationship. [More]

How Blackberry’s Official Account Ended Up Tweeting From An iPhone
On Tuesday, sharp-eyed users of third-party Twitter programs noticed something very telling on Blackberry’s Twitter feed. A Tweet urging users to download the official Twitter app for Blackberry phones had been posted from an iPhone. Yeah, why should the company’s representatives use a Blackberry to make a Twitter post urging customers to tweet from a Blackberry? [More]

Samsung May Be The Only One Still Interested In Buying A Blackberry
Let’s flash back to 2007, when every hotshot businessperson on the go click-click-clicked away on their Blackberry. Maybe they even had one with a really nice color screen and a scrollwheel that didn’t break after a few months. Fast-forward to now, when anyone still carrying a Blackberry gets pelted with spoiled meats and exiled to a rocky island in the Delaware River where they watch VHS tapes and dial into AOL. And yet, Samsung is reportedly thinking about paying billions of dollars to buy Blackberry. [More]

Makers Of Slip-On iPhone Keyboard Sued By BlackBerry Release New Model
When the makers of a slip-on keyboard designed to give iPhone users the physical touch they craved were sued by BlackBerry over what the phone company claimed was a copy of its phones, they had to take the product off the market. Today the company — with Ryan “I Actually Look The Same In Real Life As I Do As A Character On The Simpsons” Seacrest as a major investor — says it has a new version of the keyboard that puts it in the clear, legally. [More]

BlackBerry Dumps T-Mobile After It Flaunted Its Relationship With The iPhone
BlackBerry is in kind of a tough place right now. First, back in January, everyone thought the struggling company had a big order from the Pentagon… which turned out to not be true. Then, one of its main squeezes, T-Mobile, started offering up the iPhone 5s for free as a “great offer for BlackBerry customers.” That was the last straw, prompting BlackBerry to dump the phone carrier. [More]

Pentagon Bursts BlackBerry’s Bubble By Explaining It Doesn’t Really Want 80,000 Phones
Breaking up is so hard to do. Especially when the side doing the breaking up never really meant to get into a relationship in the first place. The Department of Defense is having to let BlackBerry down easy after the company got all giddy after misreading a press release into thinking that the Pentagon was going to place an order for 80,000 new phones. [More]

BlackBerry Reminds Everyone It’s Still Relevant By Suing Over Slip-On Keyboard Design
One of the most common things to come out of a person’s mouth who has just switched from a BlackBerry to an iPhone is probably: “It’s so hard to type on this dang screen with my big fat fingers.” Nevertheless, BlackBerry has seen swarms of customers go rushing into the arms of the iPhone and other smartphones in recent years. In a stab at reminding everyone that it’s still a relevant brand, BlackBerry is now suing the makers of a slip-on keyboard for the iPhone, claiming it’s a blatant copy. [More]