

The animals are rising up, and invading our big-box stores. This week, a small (non-poisonous) snake bit a man in an Illinois Walmart, and a woman in Utah reportedly found a black widow spider in a bunch of grapes purchased at Costco. Nature clearly abhors the modern suburban lifestyle, and it’s taking back its territory. [Carmi Times] [KSL]

Should Macy's Require Employees To Wear Black?

Should Macy's Require Employees To Wear Black?

Starting this September, all Macy’s employees will be required to wear black clothes to work. The dress code, which is designed to help customers identify apparently-elusive sales associates, is already in effect in east coast stores, but will be expanded to the 113 stores composing the midwest division. While consumer behavior specialists rave about the change, union officials have filed a grievance against Macy’s for requiring workers to purchase new clothes. Do employee uniforms improve your shopping experience? Tell us after the jump.

Breaking: Sears Black Friday Ad

Breaking: Sears Black Friday Ad

Nary seconds ago, Sears Black Friday ad pooped onto the internet.

Smirnoff Marketing Team to Teach HipHop Classes

Smirnoff Marketing Team to Teach HipHop Classes

Street culture vulture Bucky Turco sent in a hot tip about the opening of the Smirnoff Movement Space opening in Brooklyn. As part of a customer service outreach program, Smirnoff is here, he writes, “In case you want to learn how to do graffiti or hip-hop dancing.”