Remember yesterday, when the Microsoft Store’s support page said it no longer accepted Bitcoins as payment for funding accounts? If you were upset, turn that frown upside down, as Microsoft says that support page information was some kind of fluke, glitch, or otherwise unintended mistake. [More]

Microsoft Store Will No Longer Accept Bitcoins As Payment
If you liked using Bitcoin to pay for apps in the Microsoft Store, we’ve got some bad news for you: the cryptocurrency is no longer a valid payment method. [More]

Judge Hits Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme With $40.7 Million Penalty
If someone convinces you to invest with him by promising returns of 7% weekly, and that he’s never lost money and there’s no risk, you should be incredibly concerned about giving him your money, regardless of whether it’s a dollar or a Bitcoin. But the operator of a Bitcoin-based Ponzi scheme in Texas was able to rake in millions based on completely empty promises — and now has to pay it all back. [More]

Of Course Someone Bought A Tesla Model S And Paid For It With Bitcoins
Two things everyone on the Internet just loves to talk about because there’s usually some controversy surrounding the subjects have just combined into one juicy story just perfect for the World Wide Web: Someone just bought a Tesla Model S and used Bitcoin to pay for it. [More]

NYC Bar To Allow Patrons To Buy Drinks With Bitcoins
For all that many people don’t know what a Bitcoin is, there is a whole virtual world out there that loves using the digital currency to buy things online and even as payment for say, a house. One New York City bar wants to bump Bitcoins into the material realm in a very real way, by allowing customers to use the virtual currency to pay bar tabs. [More]

Man Wants To Be The First To Sell A House For Bitcoins Because Real Money Is So 2008
We are living in a digital world. If you need evidence, take a second to realize that you are reading these words on a screen. And also that someone is trying to sell a house for virtual currency — that wouldn’t have happened even a scant few years ago. The Canadian man says he’s got some projects he’s working on, and all those Bitcoins would come in super handy. [More]