
Beware Of DirecTV's Auto-Renewing Sports Packages

Beware Of DirecTV's Auto-Renewing Sports Packages

Reader Ted writes to us about DirecTV’s auto-renewing sports packages, specially NFL Sunday Ticket. He says his subscription was automatically renewed even though he canceled.

FCC Talks "A La Carte" Cable

FCC Talks "A La Carte" Cable

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin thinks your cable bill is too high.

Hospital Sends Debt Collectors After Homeless Man

Hospital Sends Debt Collectors After Homeless Man

Phil Hughes is a homeless handy-man who’ll paint your house number on your curb for $5 and some turkey leftovers, says Mary Olsen, a homeowner who hires Hughes for occasional odd jobs.

Comcast's Class Action Waiver Ruled "Unconscionable"

Comcast's Class Action Waiver Ruled "Unconscionable"

Comcast can’t use their mandatory arbitration clause to keep its Georgia customers from obtaining class-action status in a lawsuit that alleges Comcast inappropriately collected too many franchise fees. The amount that was improperly collected (about $11 a subscriber) isn’t enough to warrant a bunch of individual lawsuits, so Comcast thought it could get away with it by citing its mandatory arbitration clause forbidding class-action lawsuits. It worked at first, but now the 11th Circuit Court is having none of it.

Verizon Installs FiOS, Won't Tell You Your Account Number, Keep Charging An Unauthorized Credit Card

Verizon Installs FiOS, Won't Tell You Your Account Number, Keep Charging An Unauthorized Credit Card

Dan ordered Verizon FiOS and used a credit card to pay for the installation. He told the CSR specifically he didn’t want his monthly bill to be debited from this credit card. Guess what Verizon is doing?

Despite Crisp Cable Service, Time Warner Insists There Is No Wiring In Your Building Whatsoever

Despite Crisp Cable Service, Time Warner Insists There Is No Wiring In Your Building Whatsoever

Time Warner refused to transfer Jim’s account information to his new apartment because they claimed, despite the crisp and clear signal he received, that his apartment was not wired for cable service. Time Warner insisted on dispatching a contractor, who, after verifying that Jim’s line worked perfectly, decided to do some unnecessary work so he could get paid. Jim writes:

Apple Debits Money From The Wrong Account, Now You Can't Pay Your Mortgage

Apple Debits Money From The Wrong Account, Now You Can't Pay Your Mortgage

Julie would really like to pay her mortgage, but she can’t. Why not? Because when she tried to help her son buy a MacBook, Apple decided to debit $1517.27 from her account without permission. When she called to tell them they’d pulled the money from the wrong card, causing her account to over draft, they apologized and told her they’d fix it. Instead, they debited another $186 from Julie’s account, and another $1517.27 from her son’s account.

The $49 Million Hospital Bill

The $49 Million Hospital Bill

A billing error at a Southern Arizona hospital left one man with a hospital bill for $49 million, according to the AP.

A malfunction in new computer software occurred July 2 and affected statements for 587 patients who were treated at Northern Cochise Community Hospital in Willcox, said Kim Aguirre, director of patient financial service for the hospital.

Check Your Time Warner Cable Bill For An Extra $5 Charge

Check Your Time Warner Cable Bill For An Extra $5 Charge

I just got my Time Warner bill in Southern California and wondered why my bill went up by exactly $5. I called customer service and asked them that exact question. Heather informed me that there was a billing glitch which charged an extra $5 and affected numerous people. She said the glitch would be fixed in the next few days but she would credit my account.

Don't Let Crunch Gym Crunch Your Bank Account

Don't Let Crunch Gym Crunch Your Bank Account

The following is reader David’s consumerist report on how Crunch Gym stole from his bank account and how he made the bastards pay, a process akin to squeezing sweat from a stone.

Comcast Is Billing Me For $1236.02 In Porn I Never Ordered

Comcast Is Billing Me For $1236.02 In Porn I Never Ordered

Sue has a serious problem with Comcast. They’re billing her for $1236.02 in porn she never ordered, claiming that it must be her 15 year old son who is ordering it.

Chase Switches Me To Paperless Billing, Without My Consent, Then Charges Late Fees

Chase Switches Me To Paperless Billing, Without My Consent, Then Charges Late Fees

Is Chase enrolling customers in paperless billing without their consent and then charging them late fees when they fail to pay? That’s what seems to have happened to Jack, who writes:

Microsoft Won't Take Your Credit Card Off Your Ex-Boyfriend's XBOX Live Account

Microsoft Won't Take Your Credit Card Off Your Ex-Boyfriend's XBOX Live Account

However much you like your man now, don’t let him sign up for XBOX Live using your credit card. Why not? Because after you’ve broken up, Microsoft won’t take your credit card number off of his account. Instead, they’ll tell you to change your credit card number or submit it to you credit card company as fraud. Also, they will be sarcastic to you on the phone. Weird, huh?

Verizon: That'll Be $2 For Not Making Long Distance Calls, Please

Verizon: That'll Be $2 For Not Making Long Distance Calls, Please

“Even though I don’t have a plan with them, they say I still have the ability to make a long-distance call if I ever need to, so I have to pay them $2 a month?” Bius said. “What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to pay them $2 for no reason?”

Cingular: Can't Pay Your Fraudulent $26,000 Bill? File For Bankruptcy.

Cingular: Can't Pay Your Fraudulent $26,000 Bill? File For Bankruptcy.

If you dig through all the fine print in your cell phone contract, you’ll most likely discover a statement that reads something like this: “Should your cell phone be lost or stolen you are responsible for any costs incurred for unauthorized calls made prior to reporting the cell phone missing.”

The $61 Billion Dollar PayPal Error

The $61 Billion Dollar PayPal Error

The item is priced at $28.95, which TUAW said seemed a bit high. It seemed fair to me. I should have listened. When I went through the purchase process and clicked “buy,” my Paypal order screen listed the price as $61,803,552,167.70 USD.

DirecTV Expect Interest-Free Loans For Overbilling

DirecTV Expect Interest-Free Loans For Overbilling

Man, is the DirecTV billing department staffed by rat-faced bastards or what?

DirecTV's "3-Day No Risk Trial" Actually Full Of Risks And Charges

DirecTV's "3-Day No Risk Trial" Actually Full Of Risks And Charges

Reader D signed up for what he thought was a 3-day no risk trial period with DirecTV. Dissatisfied with the picture quality, he canceled two days later and returned the receiver.