bereavement travel

Is The Hassle Of Getting A Bereavement Airfare Worth Only Saving $15?

Is The Hassle Of Getting A Bereavement Airfare Worth Only Saving $15?

There is this notion — mostly a hold-over from an era when “customer service” was actually a priority for some airlines — that travelers en route to a funeral can have their airfare slashed by providing the information needed to receive a bereavement discount. But as some people are finding out, it may be more of a hassle than it’s worth. [More]

Delta Gives $50 To Apologize For Overcharging By $700

Delta Gives $50 To Apologize For Overcharging By $700

A young girl, trying to make it to her dying father’s bedside. An old airline that can’t find your reservation. A $1200 ticket that is now a $2000 ticket. A prefabricated apology for only $50. These, are the Delta chronicles… [More]