Depending on your tax situation, the approach of Tax Day is either a paperwork-filled nightmare or a day to kick back and enjoy having filed and received your refund back in January. It doesn’t matter when you filed for the growing number of Tax Day discounts and freebies at stores and restaurants, though: here are a few that might keep you fed and relaxed today. [More]
april 15

From Curly Fries To Document-Shredding: 4 Tax Day Freebies
Like a slowly approaching T-rex, whose every thunderous step sends ripples through your glass of water, the April 15 deadline for filing your income tax returns is drawing nigh. While it’s a gloom-and-doom occasion for some, it’s also a chance to score some free stuff. [More]

Have You Filed Your Income Taxes Yet?
In case you hadn’t looked at the calendar in a few days, here’s a reminder that tomorrow is April 15 — better known as the day you are supposed to have filed your federal and state income tax returns (unless you live in some flood-ravaged areas, that is). So we want to get a feel for how many of you have waited until the last minute. [More]

Not Signing Your Name & 9 Other Common Tax-Filing Mistakes
It would be generous to describe tax forms as daunting. Even the 1040-EZ looks significantly more complicated than it actually is. And, while you’re worrying about exemptions and deductions, you might forget to do something as simple as sign your name. That’s why the folks at USA Today put together this list of 10 common mistakes you should be aware of when filing. [More]

Start Thinking About Filing Your 2006 Taxes
In this restive spot after Thanksgiving and before Christmas-time madness, why not start getting your taxes together? Blueprint For Financial Prosperity has a roundup of useful tax time articles. — BEN POPKEN