
Flyer Alert: No Soap OR Radio

Flyer Alert: No Soap OR Radio

If you’re flying within the next few days, don’t try to bring that nalgene of Dom Pom on the plane or listen to your iPod. A foiled terrorist plot involving combustible liquids detonated by electronics devices has raised a ban on carrying either aboard. Anything in a bottle is gonna go in the trash. Check everything except your wallets, keys and passports. Expect extended delays, canceled flights and intensive security searches at all airports.

UPDATE: Petty Power Trips at Dulles Airport

UPDATE: Petty Power Trips at Dulles Airport

Last month, we wrote about crazy, wild-eyed technohippy Edward Hasbrouck’s harassment by power-tripping rent-a-cops employed by the TSA. He’s followed it up with a complete copy of his dialogue with TSA officials subsequent to the entire ridiculous fiasco.

Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver

Reader Nick Denton sends us word that the taxi lines in laissez-faire America are rubble. However, in the fascist dictatorship of London, the livery runs with a ruthless efficiency that would make Fredrick Winslow Taylor cream his galoshes.

Man’s Airline Complaint Resolved (What a Juicy Headline)

Man’s Airline Complaint Resolved (What a Juicy Headline)

Unfortunately for us, Dave went through the airport yesterday. After a surly customs agent behaved in an uncouth, yet ironic (situationaly speaking) manner, he called customs to complain.

United Spins Delay as Boon

See, they really want you to savor the flight, you’ll enjoy it that much more.

Shocking New Evidence Reveals Airlines Suck

Shocking New Evidence Reveals Airlines Suck

Department of Proving What We Already Know: A study shows that airline quality and consumer satisfaction has plummeted to new lows.

SuperShuttle Not So Super, Maybe Duper

Sara writes in about a horrible experience she had last week with the Manhattan franchise of the airport van service, SuperShuttle. The driver arrived early and yelled at her for not being downstairs. He was surly with her and the other passengers. He frequently parked illegally and was given a ticket by the police.

Airport X-Rays Don’t Intercept Knives, Bombs, or Guns

Airport X-Rays Don’t Intercept Knives, Bombs, or Guns

Ever wonder why not?

Why Airport Metal Detectors Won’t Pick Up Bullets

Why Airport Metal Detectors Won’t Pick Up Bullets

d be something the metal detector would pick up.”