air travel

Horizon Apologizes To Too-Tall Passenger Booted From Flight

Horizon Apologizes To Too-Tall Passenger Booted From Flight

You may remember last week’s story of the 6’9″ Horizon Air passenger who was removed from the plane after a flight attendant asked him to move his long legs out of the aisle. Well, over the weekend we received updates from both the airline and the original tipster, and it appears all parties have been able to work things out. [More]

Cracks Found In Three More Southwest Jets

Cracks Found In Three More Southwest Jets

It has not been a good weekend for Southwest Airlines. The carrier grounded dozens of planes and canceled hundreds of flights after a hole opened up in the fuselage of a plane in mid-flight on Friday. Investigators subsequently found widespread cracking in that plane. And now comes news that cracks have been found in at least three more Southwest jets. [More]

American Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Landing Because Of Multiple Sick Passengers

American Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Landing Because Of Multiple Sick Passengers

Earlier today, an American Airlines flight en route to Chicago was forced to make an emergency landing at Dayton International Airport after several passengers and flight attendants complained of feeling ill. [More]

Horizon Kicked Me Off Plane For Being Too Tall

Horizon Kicked Me Off Plane For Being Too Tall

Consumerist reader Laura writes in to share the story of how her stepfather was given the boot from a Horizon Air flight because of his 6’9″ frame. [More]

Spirit Airlines Adds Fee For Not Paying Your Baggage Fees Far Enough In Advance

Spirit Airlines Adds Fee For Not Paying Your Baggage Fees Far Enough In Advance

Perhaps upset that its decision to begin charging fees for carry-on bags was not enough to make into this year’s Worst Company In America bracket, the fee-happy folks at Spirit Airlines have begun making their case for next year by adding a surcharge for passengers who wait until 24 hours before departure to pay the airline’s base fees for checked and carry-on bags. [More]

Well-Heeled Travelers Hate Flying These Days Even More Than Us Poor Folks

Well-Heeled Travelers Hate Flying These Days Even More Than Us Poor Folks

Lest you think it’s just those of us eking out a meager living that are unhappy with the growing trend toward stripped-down flights with a la carte fees, a new survey says that those who can afford to fly are even angrier than we are. [More]

Study: Radiation From TSA's Full-Body Scanners Poses "No Significant Threat"

Study: Radiation From TSA's Full-Body Scanners Poses "No Significant Threat"

In a new study that will surely be argued and dissected by both sides of the full-body scanner debate, researchers claim that the risk from the ionizing radiation to which travelers are exposed in these scanners “would be extremely small, even among frequent flyers” and that there “is no significant threat of radiation from the scans.” [More]

Woman At LaGuardia Learns TSA Can Still Pat You Down Even After You Pass Security Checkpoint

Woman At LaGuardia Learns TSA Can Still Pat You Down Even After You Pass Security Checkpoint

It’s pretty safe to say that most, if not all, of us aren’t exactly thrilled about having to do the TSA shuffle — remove shoes, take out the laptop, put your keys in the bowl, step on through — at airport security checkpoints. But as one traveler at LaGuardia Airport in NYC learned last week, just because you’ve made it through the checkpoint doesn’t mean you can’t get one hell of a pat-down on your way to the gate. [More]

Sale Of AirTran To Southwest One Step Closer To Being A Done Deal

Sale Of AirTran To Southwest One Step Closer To Being A Done Deal

Overshadowed by last year’s relatively rapid merger of United and Continental was the sale of AirTran to Southwest. That sale is now one big step away from completion after AirTran shareholders approved the deal earlier this week. [More]

United Had Advance Signs That Plane Would Almost Ignite Olsen Twin

United Had Advance Signs That Plane Would Almost Ignite Olsen Twin

You may remember the United Airlines flight from last May that could have resulted in a burnt Olsen twin if the pilots hadn’t reacted so quickly to a cockpit fire. Well, newly released documents from the National Transportation Safety Board show that there had been at least two related incidents on that same plane in the days leading up to the fire. [More]

Unhappy Vegetarian Hurls Tray Of Food At Continental Crew

Unhappy Vegetarian Hurls Tray Of Food At Continental Crew

A vegetarian woman aboard a Continental flight from the Dominican Republic to Newark, NJ, was apparently none too pleased when she received a non-vegetarian meal. But rather than file a complaint with the airline, she reportedly opted for the less formal hurl-your-tray-at-the-flight-attendant tactic. [More]

Southwest Apologizes For Booting Muslim Woman From Flight

Southwest Apologizes For Booting Muslim Woman From Flight

Earlier this week, I took part in a panel discussion at SXSW on “The Legal Ramifications Of Saying ‘I’m Sorry,'” along with a senior executive from Southwest Airlines who explained why his company believes it’s best to be proactive about apologizing to customers when a mistake has been made. A few days later, Southwest was given the chance to make good on its claim. [More]

Delta Passenger Pretending To Be Air Marshal Is Detained By Actual Air Marshal

Delta Passenger Pretending To Be Air Marshal Is Detained By Actual Air Marshal

If you’re going to try to impress someone by claiming to be a federal air marshal, be sure the real deal isn’t within earshot. [More]

Texas Pols Want To Outlaw Full-Body Scans & Pat-Downs By TSA

Texas Pols Want To Outlaw Full-Body Scans & Pat-Downs By TSA

Politicians in the Texas state legislature have authored a pair of bills they hope would keep the TSA from using full-body scanners and enhanced pat-downs at airports in the Lone Star State. [More]

Eight More Airports Allowed To Operate Flights To Cuba

Eight More Airports Allowed To Operate Flights To Cuba

Good news for those who’ve always wanted to go to Cuba: Eight more U.S. airports have been granted permission to schedule charter flights to and from the island nation. [More]

Flight Attendant Fired For Stowing Baby In Overhead Bin

Flight Attendant Fired For Stowing Baby In Overhead Bin

A flight attendant for Virgin Blue, Richard Branson’s Australian airline, has been fired over allegations that he placed a passenger’s infant child in the overhead bin during a flight from Fiji to Sydney. [More]

JetBlue: We Won't Be Stingy On The Free Snacks Anytime Soon

JetBlue: We Won't Be Stingy On The Free Snacks Anytime Soon

Last week, we brought you the sad news that the two-headed beast of United/Continental had decided that coach passengers don’t deserve free pretzels. It seems inevitable that this “luxury” is doomed to extinction, but JetBlue says it has no intention of killing off its gratis inflight snacks. [More]

Continental Kills Free Snacks In Coach

Continental Kills Free Snacks In Coach

Continental and new spouse United Airlines have begun to decide which of their pre-marriage belongings to keep and which to discard. One thing that has already gone in the dumpster: free snacks in coach. [More]