air travel

Delta To Cut Service To Up To 24 Smaller Markets

Delta To Cut Service To Up To 24 Smaller Markets

Citing financial losses and empty seats, Delta Airlines has announced that it will soon be cutting service to up to 24 smaller markets in eight states, mostly in the north-central region of the country. [More]

Reader: TSA Agent Cracks Timothy McVeigh Joke That Would Probably Have Gotten Me Detained

Reader: TSA Agent Cracks Timothy McVeigh Joke That Would Probably Have Gotten Me Detained

For all the wise-cracking most of us do about the TSA and airport security procedures, we also know that when it comes time to actually pass through the checkpoint on our way to the gate, it’s probably not the best time to be a jokester. But, says a Consumerist reader, there is at least one TSA screener who thinks it’s perfectly fine for him to lightheartedly reference Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. [More]

Senator: Travelers Should Be Reimbursed Fees For All Lost & Mishandled Bags

Senator: Travelers Should Be Reimbursed Fees For All Lost & Mishandled Bags

Even though a new rule is about to kick in that refunds airline baggage fees for any traveler whose luggage vanishes forever, New York Senator Chuck Schumer thinks it’s not enough and that airlines should be reimbursing fees even if you get your bags back a day or two later. [More]

Appeals Court: Feds Rushed To Roll Out Controversial TSA Scanners

Appeals Court: Feds Rushed To Roll Out Controversial TSA Scanners

An appeals court panel in Washington, D.C., ruled today that the government jumped the gun by not seeking public feedback before rolling out airport scanners that see through travelers’ clothes. Unfortunately for those opposed to these devices, the scanners are not going anywhere. [More]

TSA To Test Trusted Traveler Program With Certain Delta & American Airlines Frequent Fliers

TSA To Test Trusted Traveler Program With Certain Delta & American Airlines Frequent Fliers

In May, TSA chief John Pistole said the agency was considering a program that would allow pre-vetted “trusted travelers” to get through airport security faster. Today, the TSA announced actual details of the program it will begin testing on a small group of fliers. [More]

Unable To Get Nicotine Fix, Southwest Passenger Resorts To Throwing Peanuts & Pretzels At Flight Attendants

Unable To Get Nicotine Fix, Southwest Passenger Resorts To Throwing Peanuts & Pretzels At Flight Attendants

A passenger on board a Southwest Airlines flight from L.A. to Salt Lake City was arrested earlier this week after he allegedly hurled bags of snacks at flight attendants to express his frustration over being unable to inhale fumes from an electronic cigarette. [More]

JetBlue Sells Out $4 Flights From One Side Of L.A. Area To The Other

JetBlue Sells Out $4 Flights From One Side Of L.A. Area To The Other

With construction set to shut down I-405 in L.A. this weekend, area residents are crying “Carmageddon,” with some saying what should be a 20 minute trip will take them hou,rs while the highway is closed. So, in an effort to give at least a few folks an option of skipping over this entire mess, JetBlue offered $4 roundtrip flights between Long Beach and Burbank, less than 40 miles away. [More]

Woman Arrested For Being Verbally Abusive To TSA Agents While Refusing To Let Daughter Be Screened Or Patted Down

Woman Arrested For Being Verbally Abusive To TSA Agents While Refusing To Let Daughter Be Screened Or Patted Down

A woman was arrested over the weekend at Nashville International Airport after her refusal to let her daughter be scanned or pat-down turned nasty. [More]

Man Racks Up 10 Million United Airlines Miles

Man Racks Up 10 Million United Airlines Miles

A United Airlines customer became the first of the airline’s passengers to pile up 10 million frequent flyer miles. He flies so often that United’s customer service reps recognize his voice. He had a Boeing 747-400 named in his honor and received United’s first Titanium United Mileage Plus card, which has perks United refuses to publicize. [More]

Couple Sues American Airlines Following Hijacking Hoax

Couple Sues American Airlines Following Hijacking Hoax

A married couple from Pakistan have filed a lawsuit against American Airlines, alleging that, after their plane was diverted following a fake hijacking threat, they were singled out and escorted from the plane in handcuffs for no reason other than their names. [More]

TSA Screener Accused Of Stealing $50K In Electronics From Travelers

TSA Screener Accused Of Stealing $50K In Electronics From Travelers

As if worrying about having your private parts groped — or being scrutinized and mocked — by TSA screeners wasn’t enough, yet another airport security staffer has been arrested and accused of using his position to pilfer thousands of dollars worth of travelers’ treasures. [More]

Complaints Against Airlines Continue To Soar

Complaints Against Airlines Continue To Soar

The Dept. of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics has released its final report on airline customer complaints for the month of May and it isn’t pretty. [More]

The TSA Is All Worried About Surgically Implanted Bombs

The TSA Is All Worried About Surgically Implanted Bombs

The threat of drinking water and toothpaste has been securely locked up in a plastic sandwich bag. And those new-fangled scanners can see if you’re carrying a huge knife and/or grenade in your crotch. But a new threat has the TSA focusing its interest on something that its fancy electronics and grabby hands can’t detect so easily: Surgically implanted bombs. [More]

Airlines Can't Convince Court They Are Being Overcharged For TSA Screening

Airlines Can't Convince Court They Are Being Overcharged For TSA Screening

Even though the screeners at airport security checkpoints in the U.S. are employees of the Transportation Security Administration and those fancy new see-through-your-clothes machines are technically paid for by the feds, the airlines still have to fork over hundreds of millions of dollars per year for security theater. Several of them claim the TSA is overcharging to the tune of $115 million. An appeals court disagrees. [More]

US Airways Passenger: I Was Escorted Off Plane For Photographing Staffer's Name Tag

US Airways Passenger: I Was Escorted Off Plane For Photographing Staffer's Name Tag

A traveler boarding a US Airways flight from Philadelphia to Miami on Friday says she was booted from the plane after she took a photo of an airline employee’s name tag, while US Airways says she was ejected for being foul-mouthed. [More]

JetBlue Now Offering Access To Speedier Security Lines For A Fee

JetBlue Now Offering Access To Speedier Security Lines For A Fee

Access to expedited security lines has generally been something that the largest airlines offer to their first class and business class passengers. But JetBlue, which has no first or business class seats, has just begun offering a service — for a fee, of course — that gives travelers access to the TSA fast lane at 14 airports. [More]

Man Boards Flight Using Someone Else's Expired Boarding Pass

Man Boards Flight Using Someone Else's Expired Boarding Pass

Last week, a Nigerian man was able to board a Virgin America flight from NYC to L.A. without presenting valid ID and a boarding pass that not only didn’t belong to him, but was for a flight from the previous day. [More]

Drunk Passenger Uses Jet Aisle As His Own Private Urinal

Drunk Passenger Uses Jet Aisle As His Own Private Urinal

Somewhere around six hours into a recent 11-hour flight from Auckland, New Zealand to Singapore, an intoxicated passenger apparently decided that he didn’t feel like making the trek to the plane’s lavatory. Instead, the man voided his bladder in the middle of the aisle. [More]