A bit of advice to school teachers out there. If your husband likes schoolgirl-themed pornography, keep it away from the class’ video yearbook. Unfortunately, the internet was not able to administer this advice before one Florida teacher swapped a porn DVD for the yearbook and gave it to a second grader. The mother is understandably upset. [More]
accidental porn

Mom! My "New" PSP Is Full Of Porn!
When a 6-year-old Tampa Bay boy turned on his “new” PSP from Walmart there was a little something extra included. Lots and lots of porn!

New Jersey Comcast Shows Porn Instead Of Disney Channel
Parents, get used to it. At any time, and for any reason, there could be porn. You could be walking down the street and accidentally get hit by a truck full of porn. You could be watching Tom Brokaw host a special about healthcare and suddenly, wham. You’re watching porn. You could be watching the Disney channel, get up to go clean the bedroom, come back and your 5 year old will be watching hard core porn. Get used to it. From the NY Daily News:
The “Handy Manny” cartoon on Playhouse Disney was abruptly interrupted yesterday morning when Comcast honchos mistakenly aired the porno in sections of Jersey.