Way back in March 2010, we brought you the story of The Hump, a sushi restaurant in Los Angeles charged with violating the Marine Mammal Protection Act by serving the meat of the Sei Whale. The eatery has since closed, but the case against its owner has lingered, until yesterday, when he entered a guilty plea in federal court. [More]
a whale of a tale

SeaWorld San Diego Pledges To Double The Size Of Orca Environment, Spend $10M On Research
What’s a company that makes its money off captive marine life to do when a documentary stirs up controversy? If you’re SeaWorld, you start coming up with ways to quell the critics: SeaWorld San Diego announced today that it’s going to double the size of its orca environment and spend $10 million in research on killer whales, as well as setting up an independent advisory committee with scientists to supervise its orca program. [More]

Sushi Restaurant Really Sorry For Serving Whale Meat
Remember The Hump — that trendy L.A. sushi joint that got busted for serving whale meat? Well, they’ve issued an apology — of sorts — saying they were just trying to give its customers the same kind of cuisine they could enjoy in Japan. [More]