We’re one week into the 2012 Summer Olympics, which means it’s time to look back on NBC’s week of TV and online coverage of the games. And while the network has taken a beating in the social media sphere for its insistence on not airing marquee events like swimming and gymnastics live on air, the suits at NBC pish-posh the criticism and say that people are actually more than alright with knowing who has won or lost the gold medal each night. [More]
2012 Olympics

Journalist’s Twitter Account Suspended For Sharing NBC Executive’s E-Mail Address
As we mentioned on Saturday, NBC is taking a lot of heat in the social media sphere for its refusal to air marquee events like swimming or gymnastics until its prime time broadcasts. Now one UK journalist’s attempts to get some sort of response from NBC’s many, many, many Twitter pages has led to his Twitter account being suspended. [More]

Less Than 24 Hours Into The Olympics And NBC Has Already Ticked People Off
When NBC first announced it would offer free live streaming to all of the London 2012 Olympic Games, a lot of people were delighted that they would finally not be stuck having to wait until the network’s oft-derided prime-time broadcast coverage just to see the results of events that were already spoiled to most folks with an Internet connection. And yet, even with the live feeds, NBC has managed to piss off an awful lot of viewers. [More]

Olympic Sponsors McDonald’s & Coca-Cola Assure Everyone They Won’t Cash In With Tax Exemptions
While plenty of people were getting bees in their bonnets over U.S. companies McDonald’s and Coca-Cola taking advantage of UK tax exemptions offered to sponsors of the London Olympic games, both corporations have said they’ll waive their rights to any such exemptions on their earnings. [More]