Retail Services

Go Hiking In Style With These Teva Stiletto Heels

Go Hiking In Style With These Teva Stiletto Heels

Teva sandals are no longer for granola-crunching outdoors types. Now the fashion-conscious adventurer can go straight from the rugged rocks to the black-tie fundraiser without missing a beat. [More]

How Much Of Your Holiday Shopping Will Be Online?

How Much Of Your Holiday Shopping Will Be Online?

Don’t know about you but I finished 90% of my holiday shopping this weekend, and all from the comfort of my couch. [More]

Yesterday Was The New Black Friday

Yesterday Was The New Black Friday

If it seemed as though the Black Friday hysteria wasn’t as outrageous this morning as it has been in years’ past, maybe that’s because so many people had the chance to get a jump on the shopping season yesterday. [More]

Long-Armed Mannequin Scares People At Old Navy

Long-Armed Mannequin Scares People At Old Navy

Chad saw this mannequin at a Kansas Old Navy. His freakishly long left arm would be the ideal genetic mutation for Black Friday, allowing one to reach products on shelves from a great distance. [More]

My Ex Ruined My Credit And Jamie Dimion Doesn't Care

My Ex Ruined My Credit And Jamie Dimion Doesn't Care

Lawrence has been in two bad relationships, first with his ex and now with Chase. He and the woman had shared expenses. He was on her credit card. They broke up but he was still on her card, which she continued to run up to $15k. Lawrence escalated his request to get taken off the card all the way up to CEO Jamie Dimion, who promised to sic one of his secretaries on it. And since this is a letter being posted on Consumerist, you can imagine how well that worked out… [More]

E. Coli Tainted Cheese Isn't Only Sold At Costco

E. Coli Tainted Cheese Isn't Only Sold At Costco

A couple weeks back we told you about some Gouda cheese sold at Costco that had been recalled after being linked to an outbreak of E. Coli. And then last week, it was the same thing, just with gorgonzola. Now the company that produced the Gouda cheese has recalled all of their cheeses, regardless of where they were sold. [More]

Trader Joe's Syrup Does Not Suffer From GPA Trouble

Trader Joe's Syrup Does Not Suffer From GPA Trouble

Eric found that his Trader Joe’s switched grades of organic maple syrup on him from one month to the next, first offering “US Grade A Extra Amber, and then moving on to “Grade B.” [More]

The Best Part Of Waking Up Is Wilco In Your Cup

The Best Part Of Waking Up Is Wilco In Your Cup

Say you spent all of your weekend with your fine lady and/or fella in the hot tub sipping on Whitesnake wine. What more appropriate way to perk yourself up on a Monday morning than with some coffee from the boys in Wilco? [More]

Walmart To Offer Price-Matching On Black Friday

Walmart To Offer Price-Matching On Black Friday

There are only a few more days until we get Thanksgiving out of the way and can start worrying about what really matters — Black Friday. And Walmart has come out swinging in the retail battle for your holiday shopping dollars by announcing that it will offer price-matching. [More]

SNL's Black Friday Stampede Sketch

SNL's Black Friday Stampede Sketch

SNL this week did a pretty good parody of Black Friday madness with this madcap fake ad for “Mega-Mart.” “Your shopping gorge can only be stopped by one thing: boxes! So everyone in our Mega-Mart 12 minute frenzy will get a free boxcutter at the door!” [More]

Who Made Consumer Reports' First-Ever Naughty & Nice List?

Who Made Consumer Reports' First-Ever Naughty & Nice List?

While Santa and his pointy-eared, non-union laborers toil away at the North Pole, the editors of our more famous sibling publication Consumer Reports have compared their notes on a wide variety of companies’ policies on everything from guarantees to fees to refunds and distilled it down to the best and worst of the lot in their first-ever Naughty & Nice Holiday Shopping List. [More]

Wise Ways To Use Plastic

Wise Ways To Use Plastic

Some people like to live on the edge and believe they can “afford” anything they can buy with the amount of plastic credit they’ve managed to fool financial institutions into allowing them. These are the same spend-happy folks who skate by buy paying the minimum balances on their accounts, oblivious to the interest that’s stacking up against them. [More]

American Family Association Calls Off Boycott On Dick's Sporting Goods Over 'Christmas'

American Family Association Calls Off Boycott On Dick's Sporting Goods Over 'Christmas'

My how things change overnight. Yesterday, we told you about the far-from-loony folks at the American Family Association who had called for their members to boycott Dick’s Sporting Goods because the retail chain used the word “holiday” instead of “Christmas” for its November and December sales circulars. Now the AFA has announced that it’s called off the boycott because Dick’s will be using that word after all. [More]

Florida Couple Already Camping Out For Black Friday At Best Buy

Florida Couple Already Camping Out For Black Friday At Best Buy

People have too much time on their hands. Need an example? A couple in Florida have decided it’s better to spend the next week, which happens to include Thanksgiving, camped out in front of a Best Buy. [More]

American Family Association Calls For Boycott On Dick's Sporting Goods For Not Using The Word "Christmas"

American Family Association Calls For Boycott On Dick's Sporting Goods For Not Using The Word "Christmas"

UPDATE: The AFA has called off the boycott after Dick’s decided to use the word “Christmas” after all. [More] Sued For Allegedly Overstating Discounts Sued For Allegedly Overstating Discounts

Apparently, the “O” in stands for “Overstating discounts and misleading customers,” at least according to the district attorneys in seven California counties. They’ve filed suit against the online retailer, alleging it made untrue statements about its pricing. [More]

Kmart's Online Doorbuster Is Kind Of A Bust

Kmart's Online Doorbuster Is Kind Of A Bust

Maybe Kmart is now a massive anti-capitalist prank like its sibling store, Sears. They appear to sell things, and taunt consumers with sales and deals, but refuse to actually sell things to anyone. That would explain the advertised-but-defunct sale that Christina recently ran into. (Or a miscommunication between marketing and IT….but that’s way less fun.) [More]

Town Tells Walmart It Can't Have Early Morning Black Friday

Town Tells Walmart It Can't Have Early Morning Black Friday

There will be no pre-dawn Black Friday shopping rampages inside the Victor, NY Walmart. Backed by a wave of local outcry, the town had denied the superstore’s request to open from 11pm to 7am on Nov 25-26th. [More]