Government Policy

Wife Sues Debt Collector For Husband's Death

Wife Sues Debt Collector For Husband's Death

As we told you in September, a woman is suing a debt collector for her husband’s final heart attack and death. [More]

FTC Online Mall Teaches Tweens About Online Privacy, Scammers

FTC Online Mall Teaches Tweens About Online Privacy, Scammers

This month, the Federal Trade Commission unveiled You Are Here, a virtual mall where kids can learn to avoid online scams, spot misleading ads, and learn good habits to be smart consumers. [More]

Videodrome #3: Paper Puppet Reenactments Of Removed YouTubes

Videodrome #3: Paper Puppet Reenactments Of Removed YouTubes

Faster! Leaner! Meaner! Ben Popken rounds up’s top stories of the week, from psychotic stewardesses to deadly foreclosures. This week we introduce a new feature: printing out the internet and turning it into a puppet show. [More]

Recent Class Action Settlement Roundup

Recent Class Action Settlement Roundup

Motorola handsets, cell phone ringtones, BP propane, Sony VAIO laptops, and the hormone replacement medication Estratest: if you purchased any of these items, you could be eligible for some recently settled class actions. Are you? Well, there’s only one way to find out. [More]

Kill Slightly Fewer Trees By Leaving Junk Mail Lists

Kill Slightly Fewer Trees By Leaving Junk Mail Lists

Thanks to e-mail and online bill payments, mailboxes are a lot less personal than they used to be. According to WalletPop, each week, the average American receives 1.5 pieces of mail they might actually be interested in (yes, including bills), but 16 pieces of junk mail. Evidently, “OCCUPANT” is a pretty popular guy. But when unwanted solicitations are 90% of what’s in our mailboxes, why do they keep on coming? How can you make them stop? [More]

State Of California Doesn't Know How To Accept $14 Fee

State Of California Doesn't Know How To Accept $14 Fee

Reader Justin may have discovered the real reason for California’s fiscal crisis. He owes the DMV $14, but says that the DMV doesn’t seem to want his money. Which is strange, since this is the opposite of how most people think of the DMV. Maybe they don’t have any lines, either. [More]

House Passes Financial Reform Bill

House Passes Financial Reform Bill

The House of Representatives today passed the Wall Street Financial Reform and Consumer Protection Act, with a 223-202 vote. No Republicans voted for the bill, and 27 Democrats joined the nay column, If passed by the Senate and signed by President Obama, the bill would create the Consumer Financial Protection Agency and either fix a broken financial system or lead to a government takeover of Wall Street, depending on your perspective. [More]

Update: Accidental "New Moon" Taping Felony Charges Dropped

Update: Accidental "New Moon" Taping Felony Charges Dropped

The felony piracy charges against a woman who accidentally taped a few minutes of the film “New Moon” while taking videos of her sister’s birthday party have been dropped. The incident occurred at a theater in the Chicago suburb of Rosemont, and Cook County prosecutors announced today that they have dropped the case. [More]

Action Alert: Stop The CFPA Gutting

Action Alert: Stop The CFPA Gutting

Idaho Rep. Walt Minnick (D) is trying to abort the the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CPFA). If you care about this agency getting established, call your Reps now (call1-877-445-1317 to get connected directly to your Reps office) and tell them to oppose the Minnick amendment to the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009”, H.R. 4173 that would strip out the provision creating the CFPA. UPDATE: The amendment was rejected, 222 to 208. [More]

E. Coli Vaccine Could Make It Safer To Be A Meatatarian

E. Coli Vaccine Could Make It Safer To Be A Meatatarian

E. coli, your future is looking as bleak as the Pittsburgh Steelers’ playoff chances because a vaccine has overcome some governmental hurdles to enter testing. If approved, the vaccine could stop e. coli from finding its way into 65 to 75 percent of animals, the New York Times reports: [More]

Wells Fargo Steps Up, Animals Are Safe

Wells Fargo Steps Up, Animals Are Safe

Wells Fargo promised to secure care for the animals left without food and water when a Rhode Island sanctuary for abandoned beasts was foreclosed on. [More]

Wireless Industry Needs Better Oversight From FCC, Says Government Audit

Wireless Industry Needs Better Oversight From FCC, Says Government Audit

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has just completed a survey of wireless customers and a review of the “tens of thousands” of complaints made to the FCC every year, and they’ve reached a verdict: the FCC needs to step up and provide a better way for consumers to get help. [More]

BlueHippo Can't Pay Bills, Switches To Chapter 7, May Finally Die

BlueHippo Can't Pay Bills, Switches To Chapter 7, May Finally Die

A chain of events over the last month does not bode well for the continued existence of the no-credit-check, allegedly scammy computer purveyor BlueHippo. When the FTC found the company in contempt of its agreement to stop scamming people, Bluehippo’s payment processor froze the company’s funds with little notice. The company was unable to pay its bills and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Now, the company has changed to a Chapter 7 filing (liquidation) and will most likely go out of business. [More]

"Public Option" Removed From Senate Health Care Reform Proposal

"Public Option" Removed From Senate Health Care Reform Proposal

Senate Democrats have just hammered out a new version of their proposed health care reform proposal, and as a compromise they’ve removed the part about requiring a government-run insurance program. The public option is still part of the proposal, but now it will only be triggered if the private sector doesn’t create some new national nonprofit policies as spelled out by the government. [More]

FTC Sues "Interest-Reduction" Robocallers

FTC Sues "Interest-Reduction" Robocallers

So, all telemarketing robocalls magically vanished a few months ago when the FTC banned them, right? Um, not quite. There are still companies out there exploiting their metallic minions in the name of feeding deceptive information to consumers. This month, the FTC filed suit against three companies that were pumping out “hundreds of thousands or even millions” of calls offering questionable interest-rate reduction services. [More]

Give Us Your Questions For The White House: Small Business Edition

Give Us Your Questions For The White House: Small Business Edition

Yesterday, President Obama spoke at the Brookings Institute about his administration’s plan for spurring job growth in our not-quite-a-recession-anymore-but-still-pretty-much-a-recession. Now they’ve invited Consumerist to bring our readers’ questions about the program to Austan Goolsbee, the staff director and chief economist on the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board. [More]

$700 Billion Bank Bailout Extended Until 2010

$700 Billion Bank Bailout Extended Until 2010

The administration announced it’s extending the $700 billion financial bailout program until next fall. The Treasury said it’s important to hold onto money and have it available in case any new catasrophes slam our financial system: [More]

UPDATED: No, Wells Fargo, You Can't Leave Animals To Die

UPDATED: No, Wells Fargo, You Can't Leave Animals To Die

Wells Fargo foreclosed on a Rhode Island shelter for abandoned animals, barred former owner Dan MacKenzie from entering the property, and seems to be just letting the animals fend for themselves, the Providence Journal reports. [More]