Government Policy

FTC: Consumer Privacy System Is Broken

FTC: Consumer Privacy System Is Broken

Citing lengthy privacy policies, confusing information about how personal data is used, and a lack of transparency in behavioral marketing campaigns, Maneesha Mithal of the Federal Trade Commission declared the current Internet consumer privacy system “broken,” and said the agency is working on a series of recommendations to help fix it. [More]

Death And Taxes 2011: Gobsmacking Visual Of Where All Your Tax Dollars Go

Death And Taxes 2011: Gobsmacking Visual Of Where All Your Tax Dollars Go

Death and Taxes 2011 is here! Jess Bachman is famed for his annual poster where he spends two months researching and creating a visual representation of where your taxes go. The result is a stunning six-foot poster that boggles the mind. Now in it’s 4th year, the poster has over 500 departments, agencies, programs, and whatever else the government can spend money on. “It is still the single most open and accessable record of government spending ever created,” says its creator. After the jump, here is this year’s version in full! [More]

What Happens If I Refuse The Full-Body Scan At The Airport?

What Happens If I Refuse The Full-Body Scan At The Airport?

Even as some question their effectiveness, the TSA continues to install controversial full-body scanners at airports. And while travelers have a legal right to opt for a pat-down instead of the scan, some say that option may not be any better. [More]

Health Supplement Guru Nearly Dies After Ingesting Own Product

Health Supplement Guru Nearly Dies After Ingesting Own Product

Gary Null sells something called Ultimate Power Meal, which he says you’re supposed to eat twice a day every day. He did that for a month and nearly died, so now he’s suing the company that manufactured the product. [More]

Walmart Settles California Environmental Lawsuit For $27.6 Million

Walmart Settles California Environmental Lawsuit For $27.6 Million

Walmart got caught violating California’s environmental laws by dumping hazardous materials improperly and agreed to pay $27.6 million to the state to settle a lawsuit, the L.A. Times reports. [More]

Bars In Utah Busted For Not Scanning IDs As Required By Law

Bars In Utah Busted For Not Scanning IDs As Required By Law

Here’s an interesting law that has some privacy implications. In Utah, bars are required to scan the IDs of anyone “who looks 35 years old or younger”, and the penalty for failing to electronically verify licenses is “akin to serving alcohol to a minor,” says the Salt Lake City Tribune. [More]

Sorry, We Really Have No Idea When We Are Open Saturdays

Sorry, We Really Have No Idea When We Are Open Saturdays

Reader Colin writes in to let us know that in Atlanta the emission station might be open on Saturday, but they’re really just not sure when. [More]

Johnson & Johnson Not Taking Refunds On Recalled Tylenol Very Seriously

Johnson & Johnson Not Taking Refunds On Recalled Tylenol Very Seriously

When J&J’s McNeil Consumer Healthcare Unit announced a recall of children’s Tylenol, Motrin, Zyrtec and Benadryl over the weekend, it also provided a toll free number you could call for more info. Ron Lieber at the New York Times called it on Saturday to find out how the refund process would work. What he got was a three minute recording telling him to throw the products in the trash, but nothing else. [More]

Join The 24 Hour Fitness Class Action Lawsuit

Join The 24 Hour Fitness Class Action Lawsuit

If 24-Hour Fitness kept charging even after you cancelled, you might be eligible to join a class action lawsuit against them. You can join if you were debited between Oct 2, 2002 and Feb 28, 2010. You could get $20 back, or, in a perhaps ironic twist, a three month gift certificate to 24-Hour Fitnesss.

Friedman, et al. v. 24 Hour Fitness USA [via Top Class Actions]

Oakland Is Out Of Weed, City Council Declares

Oakland Is Out Of Weed, City Council Declares

Only in the Bay Area does it become an official civic emergency when pot stashes dry up. The Easy Bay Express reports the Oakland City council declared a local public health emergency because supplies of medical marijuana have dwindled. [More]

States Seek Sales Taxes On Haircuts, Balloon Rides

States Seek Sales Taxes On Haircuts, Balloon Rides

As states across America take a look at their budgets, some are getting creative with sales taxes in an effort to increase their revenue by slapping a tax on some interesting items and services. CNNMoney checked out what’s going down all over America, from magician taxes to hot air balloon ride tariffs.

Tax off the top:
In Michigan and Nebraska, legislators are considering extending the state sales tax to person grooming services like getting a trim, because they can be seen as a luxury item.

Krusty the Clown tax
: Maine wants to make money off of children! A bill proposing a 5% state tax on entertainment like comedians, clowns, jugglers, ventriloquists, petting zoos, paintball and even haunted hay rides is up to be voted on this summer, and would go into effect in January 2011.

Balloon Boy tax:
Hot air balloon rides don’t come cheap, and in Kentucky they could be even pricier: Lawmakers there want to get their hands on $350 to $400 million a year by taxing high-end services like limousine such as limousine and hot air balloon rides, golf green fees, private landscaping, armored car services and professional laundry services. Because these are things rich people use, so, tax’em! [More]

Most Americans Don't Want Reagan On $50 Bill

Most Americans Don't Want Reagan On $50 Bill

Fans of Ronald Reagan have gotten airports and highways named after the 40th president, but a proposal to put the Gipper on the $50 bill in place of Ulysses S. Grant is about as popular as putting Bonzo on the hundred. [More]

Philly Police No Longer Going To Waste Time On Fender Benders

Philly Police No Longer Going To Waste Time On Fender Benders

Philly police say they are no longer going to waste time and resources responding to minor fender benders in which there are no injuries and the cars can be safely driven away. [More]

Full-Body Scanners Don't Work, Israeli Security Expert Says

Full-Body Scanners Don't Work, Israeli Security Expert Says

The biggest reason not to implement full-body scanners in airports isn’t because it’s weird for the government to have a picture of you naked, it’s because they don’t work, says an Israeli airport security expert. [More]

Is Your Photocopier Putting You At Risk For ID Theft?

Is Your Photocopier Putting You At Risk For ID Theft?

Long gone are mimeographs or photocopiers that used mechanical means to reproduce whatever document needed reproducing. Now, almost all copiers are also scanners, fax machines and rotisserie ovens (okay, so not that last one). As such, they contain some method of electronic storage that could possibly be used by individuals with shady purposes. That’s why a Congressman from Massachusetts has asked the FTC to look into just how risky it is to use these new-fangled machines. [More]

Honda Recalls 167,000 Acura TSX Vehicles

Honda Recalls 167,000 Acura TSX Vehicles

Yesterday, Honda announced that they are issuing a recall of approximately 167,000 Acura TSX vehicles — model years 2004-2008 — to replace a power steering hose. It is believed that the hose could leak power steering fluid, potentially causing a fire under the vehicle’s hood. [More]

Feds Said To Be Opening Criminal Investigation Of Goldman

Feds Said To Be Opening Criminal Investigation Of Goldman

As if Goldman Sachs didn’t already have enough problems with the SEC’s civil probe of the firm and senators screaming at execs about the “shitty deals” offered to clients, word is out now that federal prosecutors are investigating the company. According to reports out this morning, the investigation is just starting up, and no charges have been made against the company.

SEC Porn Aficionados Have Not Been Fired

SEC Porn Aficionados Have Not Been Fired

The Washington Post is reporting that the porn-lovin’ employees of the SEC have not been fired. Here’s the breakdown: [More]